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Nanopolis - Exploring Nanotechnology, 3rd tome of the Nanopolis™ encyclopedia series
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Among the topics covered:

Science at the nanoscale

Exploring Nanotechnology, 3rd tome of the Nanopolis™ encyclopedia series, was conceived to provide an understanding of nanotechnology and its implications. Containing extremely intuitive multimedia explanations of the concepts, technological processes and applications of nanotechnology, summary charts show the major players associated with each concept along with the references necessary for further insight.

Exploring Nanotechnology represents the fruition of the cooperation between more than 200 scientific groups active in the field. It includes snapshots of real-life research from the most active laboratories as well as multimedia transpositions of selected papers from the 2004 edition of Nanotech.

The scientific content of the encyclopedia will be updated every 6 months, in order to keep you connected to the most recent and important accomplishments in nanotechnology. The first update is free, and the next ones benefit of significant discounts.

Nanopolis - Exploring Nanotechnology
Click on the banner to learn more or buy.

Nanotechnology Now readers receive a 10% discount by using this code: S-RNN001MZKX15 (Note to our readers: During the pre-release phase - until May 2005 - first a 50% discount is applied, then a volume discount - if the buyer wants more than 2 CD's - and last, an additional 10% discount when you use the code.)
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Energy
  • Nanomaterials
  • Life sciences
The encyclopedia is destined for a worldwide audience of:
  • industrialists, technology analysts and decision makers looking for an insight into tomorrow
  • scientists trying to cope with the inherent interdisciplinarity of a field
  • students and the general public looking for a highly intuitive presentation of nanotechnology

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