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Announcing Launch of the Nano News Division

By Judith Light Feather, President
The NanoTechnology Group Inc.

November 8th, 2002

We are in the final stages of launching the second phase of the NanoNEWS Division within The NanoTechnology Group Inc. The comprehensive news programs will address the need for accurate reporting on research and development of the nanoscale sciences and emerging technologies for commercialization. TNTG Inc. is dedicated to creating public awareness of this new field of science, which is predicted to affect every area of society in the next 10-20 years. This is especially vital due to the difficulty of explaining a scale of science that is invisible to the human eye and most microscopes. Our non-profit organization has undertaken the task of elucidating all aspects of the research and development, as well as the current and future efforts at commercialization.

Along with our current Nano for People Newsletter, our plans include the daily online www.NanoNEWS.TV website. Three video clips have been posted on the news website with a variety of information departments which are presently in various stages of development. Please bear with us and join us in this procedure as we test the format and add more features. The news programming will be followed by an annual educational series, which is being developed to document the various aspects and issues concerning nanoscale science and technology, including the difficult social, ethical and philosophical elements. The NanoNEWS Division expands our ability to focus on the growth while nurturing nanoscale sciences and technologies as they develop and evolve from research to a verifiable future. Your video commercials will be filmed in the same high quality as the news clips to present a personal message concerning your services or products as they relate to nanoscale science and technology. Hot buttons in the video will transport the viewer back to your website for further information.

We are in preliminary stages of talks to provide video stream news from NanoNEWS.TV to bullet trains in Japan and possibly Europe in the near future. This can be an exciting opportunity for our sponsors. Come on board early to have first rights on sponsoring this magical media before the first train leaves the station.

Download the 2002 MEDIA KIT at www.NanoNEWS.TV and become a sponsor of our NanoNEWS programming. The first sponsors always get the most publicity so jump in and share the limelight with us while expanding your role as a leader in nanotechnology.

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