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Future Horizons

In the industry for the industry. Future Horizons has unrivalled knowledge and understanding of the semiconductor industry.

About Us:
- 139 man-years of electronics experience
- Informative market briefings and training seminars
- Industry forums and networking executive lunches
- Semiconductor start-up service
- Off-The-Shelf Research Reports & Industry Intelligence/Analysis
- Due Diligence Analysis - From Seed Funding Through IPO
- Bespoke Research Assignments - From Proof Of Concept To Full Market Development

Future Horizons provides semiconductor consulting, market research reports and business support services for use in opportunity analysis, business planning and new market development. Its industry information and semiconductor training seminars and Forums are widely considered to be the best of their kind. Emphasis is placed on the world-wide microelectronics and electronics industry, and the European market environment.

Affiliates In Israel, Japan, Russia & USA


44 Bethel Road
Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UE UK
+44 1732 740440

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