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BioNano International Singapore Pte Ltd

BioNano International Singapore Pte Ltd is a Bionanotechnology company, whose mission is to develop new biological & nanotech products and new bionanotechniques to serve the needs of society.

BioNano is active in the basic research, product development and service areas in BioNanotechnology. For example, we are engaged in the research and development of carbon nanotubes, novel solid-state pH acidity probes, electrochemical workstations and nanoparticle-based COD analyzers. These are the cutting edge tools and instruments to be used in environmental analysis, water monitoring, research, medical and health care. We are also one of the leading providers in Asia for analytical instruments. We provide a range of advanced instruments, including electrochemical workstations, on-line COD detectors, pH acidity probes etc.


8 Prince George's Park, NUS Business Incubator
+65 () 6778 9660

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