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September 22nd, 2004

Experts to Explore Advanced Nanotech at New Foresight Conference

Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank, is sponsoring the 1st Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology Research, Applications and Policy, October 22-24 at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel in Washington DC.


Experts to Explore Advanced Nanotech at New Foresight Conference

Foresight Institute

Palo Alto, CA. September 22, 2004

Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank, is sponsoring the 1st Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology Research, Applications and Policy, October 22-24 at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel in Washington DC.

"This is the first conference to focus on molecular machine systems and advanced nanotechnology," said Christine Peterson, vice president and founder of Foresight Institute. "The Conference targets the bottom-up goal of molecular machine systems and what this next Industrial Revolution will mean for the environment, medicine, national competitiveness and defense."

The 1st Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology is critical for those interested in the Feynman goal for nanotech, including researchers, technologists, policy advisors, public interest representatives, investors, general public, and those aiming at a career in the field. The Conference will provide a stimulating multi-disciplinary environment enabling broad exploration of this anticipated revolution in how matter is controlled.

Conference Registration Options

Foresight Institute is offering several registration options. Each day of the conference is dedicated to in-depth exploration and discussion of a critical area driving molecular manufacturing research status on Friday, disruptive applications on Saturday, and policy issues on Sunday.

Attendees can customize the conference to meet their specific interests by using the one-day, two-day, or three-day option.

To register, click here

For further information, click here

Foresight Institute Feynman Prize Banquet
October 22, 2004 (Friday Evening -- Optional event)

Join nanotech insiders as they honor "the best of the best" with the most prestigious nanotechnology prize. Learn more about the Feynman Prize

About Foresight Institute

Foresight Institute is the leading public interest organization focused on nanotechnology. Formed in 1986 by K. Eric Drexler and Christine Peterson, Foresight dedicates itself to providing education, policy development, and networking to maximize benefits and minimize downsides of molecular manufacturing.

Foresight Institute's first Conference on Nanotechnology in 1989, which pre-dated the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative by a decade, was the first comprehensive conference on the topic of nanotechnology. Foresight-sponsored events continue to be the premiere venue for discussing new and innovative multidisciplinary research in nanotechnology and what these developments will mean for society.

Foresight Institute
PO Box 61058
Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA
tel +1 650 917 1122 fax +1 650 917 1123

Copyright © Foresight Institute

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