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February 16th, 2005

Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. Achieves Major Patents Milestone

Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. (CNI) announced today it has reached a major milestone with 30 issued or allowed patents related to the innovative use of small diameter carbon nanotubes. Today's announcement reinforces CNI's position as the world's preeminent manufacturer and producer of single-wall and other small-diameter carbon nanotubes, a type of fullerene, thought by many scientists and industry leaders to represent a transforming technology to produce and deliver to market superior products.

"Small-diameter carbon nanotubes provide numerous transforming opportunities, and the issuance of these 30 patents provides an extraordinary position for CNI," said Dr. Richard Smalley, Nobel-Prize winning scientist for his discovery of fullerenes and chairman of CNI. "As the use of small-diameter carbon nanotubes is becoming more prominent in everyday applications, it would be difficult to imagine industries that are not likely to be impacted by this technology."


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