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Ecology Coatings, MetaMateria Partners and NanoDynamics Collaborate on Radical New Coatings for the Automotive, Metal, Plastics and Electronics Industries

Three Nanotech Leaders Partner To Provide New High-Performance Liquid Technology

Akron, OH | March 14, 2005

In a move that will incorporate new nanotechnologies into staid manufacturing methods, three leading companies in the field of nanomaterial development and commercialization are collaborating to deliver polymer nanocomposite coatings, which will combine the benefits of organic polymers and advanced inorganic materials to improve material performance while driving manufacturing efficiencies. Ecology Coatings, Inc., a provider of nano-engineered, UV-curable coatings, NanoDynamics, a leading manufacturer of superior nanomaterials and its subsidiary, MetaMateria Partners, a developer of nanomaterial synthesis technology, announced today that they are partnering to develop a new breed of multi-functional coatings for metals.

Designed to exhibit a new set of protective and aesthetic characteristics, the product of this collaboration will consist of a hybrid of organic polymers and inorganic nanomaterials enabling a superior combination of properties that cannot be achieved by using any single uniform material. This new technology will combine the flexibility and usability of organic polymers with the durability and chemical stability of inorganic materials to create high performance coatings that are easily incorporated into the traditional manufacturing process.

“The automotive and metals industries have responded quite favorably to our current line of UV-curable, nano-engineered coatings, and this partnership solidifies our ability to continue providing new liquid nanotechnologies that offer real value to the manufacturing industry,” said Rich Stromback, CEO of Ecology Coatings. “We are pleased to be collaborating with MetaMateria Partners and NanoDynamics, two recognized leaders in applied nanotechnology.”

The anticipated high-performance composites will be based on Ecology Coatings’ proprietary 100 percent solids coating technology, which requires only UV light to dry and reduces the finishing process from 20 minutes to three seconds. This non-polluting process reduces manufacturing line space by 80 percent, cuts energy consumption by 75 percent and dramatically decreases EPA reporting, generating a significant value-add for manufacturing companies around the world.


About Ecology Coatings
Ecology Coatings is a world leader in the development of nano-engineered, ultra-violet curable coatings. Using a platform of integrated nano-material technologies, the company creates proprietary coatings with unique performance attributes. Ecology collaborates with industry leaders to develop revolutionary high-value, high-performance coatings for military, automotive, industrial, electronic and medical applications. Ecology Coatings is a privately held company based in Akron, Ohio. For more information visit our website at

About NanoDynamics
NanoDynamics, Inc. is a leading company in the field of nanotechnology and manufacturer of superior nanomaterials that will dramatically improve the form, function and performance of a wide range of both industrial and consumer products. The Company is uniquely positioned, utilizing proprietary and protected technologies, to commercially manufacture economical, high quality nanomaterials that will enable revolutionary advancements in industries including electronics, semiconductors, consumer products, fuel cells, transportation, energy and biotechnology. For further information, please visit the Company's website at

About MetaMateria Partners
A wholly-owned subsidiary of NanoDynamics, MetaMateria Partners (MMP) is an innovative developer of industry specific manufacturing methods and consolidation techniques. MMP uses novel methods for making nano-materials, which are tailored to the specific needs of industrial clients in a wide range of markets. The Company's focus is on the application of components, devices and engineered systems to obtain improved product performance as well as lower manufacturing costs. Additionally, MMP manufactures limited quantities of high quality powders, ceramic filters and ceramic/composite products. For further information, please visit the Company's website at

Rosalind Jackson
Antenna Group (for Ecology Coatings)

Copyright © Ecology Coatings

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