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NANOART at The 15th Mini Print International Exhibition

September 30, 2005

Cris Orfescu exhibits his NANOART work at the 15th Mini Print International Exhibition between September 15, 2005 – March 4, 2006. The event is sponsored by Studio School & Art Gallery and hosted by Roberson Museum and Science Center, in Binghamton, New York.

The Exhibition was juried by James Mullen, Professor of Art and Dean of Humanities and Fine Art, Emeritus, at State University of New York at Oneonta.

Christian Orfescu - Flamingo      Christian Orfescu - Glowing3      Christian Orfescu - Hole

The Studio School & Art Gallery was established as a not for-profit organization in 1980 for the purpose of education through the presentation of contemporary art, and has sponsored well over 100 solo exhibitions by Southern Tier artists and beyond, always striving to provide recognition for the significant but under recognized artist. This is the fifteenth international mini print exhibition sponsored by the Studio School & Art Gallery since 1985, continuing to provide a forum where international art can be brought together.

Roberson Museum and Science Center, in hosting this exhibition, continues as a venue where artists and audiences, professionals and novices come together. Roberson’s own Printmaking Studio becomes a site for demonstration and experimentation, and participants experience the two-way relationship between studio and gallery.

For More Information: (607) 772-0660

To view Orfescu’s NANOART visit


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