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MIT Professional Institute Nanotech Courses

Posted on December 28, 2005

Organic, Molecular and Nanostructured Electronics - Physics and Technology [6.17s]

This course will review basic concepts underlying the design, fabrication, and operation of three dominant types of organic electronic devices: light emitting devices (OLEDs), photosensitive devices (solar cells and photodetectors), and field effect transistors (OFETs). We will also discuss, but devote less time to discussion of organic lasers, organic memories, and chemical sensors. The course aims to present a broad and practical survey of the field and to immerse you in the broad field organic materials. As a sub-class of nanostructured solids, organic thin films exemplify challenges of the practical nanotechnologies. May concepts presented in the class are directly transferable to a broader field of nanostruuctured materials.

Date: June 12-16, 2006

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Nanostructured Fluids and Particles in Materials, Chemical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Technologies [10.01s]

The goal of this course is to introduce the fundamentals and applications of structured fluids, often referred to as complex fluids, to industrial scientists and engineers and those with managerial responsibility for research. First, the fundamental physical chemical principles that govern the formation and properties of structured fluids will be considered. Second, important experimental techniques that can be used to characterize the properties of structured fluids, particularly the nature of molecular organization and structure at the nano, meso or micro scales will be reviewed. Third, numerous applications of structured fluids will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on applications in the area of novel materials synthesis (especially those on the nanoscale), biomedical applications (including controlled delivery methods) and biotechnology and environmental applications (including protein separations, chemical decontamination and soil remediation). Throughout the course, effort will be made to provide a molecular and intuitive understanding of the field accompanied, wherever necessary, by quantitative models.

Date: June 12-16, 2006

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MIT Professional Institute

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