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K-factor, the all new Spray on Composite Heating System

Posted on August 10, 2006

Boyce Components LLC, a privately held company, is pleased to announce the availability of its all new K-factor™ resin system (patent pending). Labeled the "spray-on composite heating system," the all new K-factor is a technological advancement which combines the proven properties of unsaturated resins with nano-scale additives. K-factor resin is manufactured using a proprietary system which blends the nano-scale additive within the K-factor resin. Utilizing K-factor, the purpose and function provides manufacturers of normal fiberglass and laminate style parts/molds the ability to create an electrically-conductive resin layer capable of resistive heating. K-factor operates using only standard AC electrical currents.

Developed through two years of private research and testing, the K-factor resin system is designed to be an affordable integration into standard laminates, either molds or end-use products, during normal manufacturing methods using familiar techniques within the industry.

In the composites industry, heat is a proven tool for assisting in the cure and lay-up of laminates on a mold. Heat is also the primary or complementary function of millions of consumer products made each year. K-factor's aim is to give composite builders the ability to inexpensively incorporate heat within their molds or products by using simple application and easy to understand methods. By curing within the laminate as a resistive layer, K-factor generates heat when electricity is applied by the well proven Joule effect.

The K-factor resin system is capable of being controlled by a variable selection of tools. For autoclave style accuracy, an affordable custom made Control Box is available through Boyce Components LLC. For simple inexpensive temperature and/or electricity control, items such as thermo-switches, variacs and transformers can be used.

Some of the possibilities for the K-factor include:

  • Raise the mold to curing temperature in a matter of minutes
  • Maintain a mold/part at a specific temperature
  • Change the mold/part temperature at any time
  • Much faster total cure times
  • Incorporate a "heating pad" into composite parts
  • Consistent temperature controlled cycles
  • Warm mold surfaces for laying up parts
  • Low energy costs
  • Low space requirements
  • Simple use
  • Insignificant capital investment costs
  • K-factor should translate into significant manufacturing savings
  • K-factor operates from standard single phase 110ac current
  • The product has been tested on molds to 10 sq ft, and testing continues

The material features Pyrograf(R)-III carbon nanofibers produced by Pyrograf Products, Inc., (PPI), of Cedarville, OH.

"The K-factor resin system is an efficient way to leverage the multi-functional benefits of our Pyrograf(R)-III carbon nanofibers," said Max Lake, president of PPI. "The resin system enables composite designers to place concentrations of carbon nanofibers in the specific zones within the composite where the functions are needed. Electrical conductivity can be imparted to thin layers for de-icing, seat warmers, anti-static flooring or tabletops and many others. The K-factor process also shows exceptional performance with low loadings of carbon nanofiber."

The resin system is likely to enable the use of carbon nanofiber for a broad spectrum of applications.

"The K-factor resin system is a winner for the composites and nanomaterials industries," said Lake.

Boyce Components LLC has developed a package deal for manufacturers or researchers which will include all the components needed to get started at an affordable price. The approximate cost for a K-factor system package is $2500. This package includes one quart of conductive K-factor resin, 100' roll of conductors, thermocouple wire, basic instructional manual and the computerized Control Box which can be repeatedly utilized. Each component, including the K-factor resin, is available for sale separately.

All inquiries are welcome.


Darren Boyce

Copyright © Boyce Components

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