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December 1st, 2006

President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s address

Glaucoma causes retinal neuronal dysfunction. Future glaucoma therapy should be directed to prevent, delay or reverse decay of the retinal ganglion cells and axons. Functional genomics and proteomics are likely to play a pivotal role in early detection of glaucoma. The recent identification and characterization of progenitors with stem cell properties has opened new avenues that may be useful for treating functional impairments caused by the death of specific cell population due to glaucoma. Stem cells may help restore vision in patients who has glaucoma, by repopulating or rescuing damaged cells. Stem cells can also be used for terminal stages of glaucoma. A few of our ophthalmologists are already working in stem cell therapy. Gene therapy approach is applicable to either lower the intra ocular pressure or protecting retinal ganglion cells. This approach could reprogram the target cells by transferring genetic material into them so that they lower intra ocular pressure physiologically. Another promising therapy is use of nano technology for targeted delivery of small-molecule therapeutic agents to the back of the eye.


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