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Home > Press > NanoAndMore USA Opens West Coast Office

NanoAndMore USA, a supplier of nanotechnology products including atomic force microscope (AFM) probes and scientific instruments, today announced that it has opened a West Coast office in Oregon effective December 18, 2006 for sales and technical support.

NanoAndMore USA Opens West Coast Office

Lady's Island, South Carolina & Portland, OR | Posted on December 18th, 2006

This comes at a very early time for NanoAndMore USA, only a little over a year after founding in Beaufort, South Carolina.

"Our business has been growing much faster than expected and the rapidly increasing demand made this step necessary much sooner. We have therefore decided to open a West Coast office at the end of this year. Originally we had planned to open a West Coast office in another two years time", said George McMurtry, president and founder.

The West Coast office of NanoAndMore USA will be located in Portland and will be headed by John Quintero who is well-known in the industry. "John was instrumental in building up the US sales of another company selling nanotech consumables to scientists and engineers. He has over 5 years successful experience with the sales of AFM probes in the United States and is ideally suited for the new challenge of expanding NanoAndMore's business even further.

"We are very happy to have John on board representing us on the West Coast. He has a lot of experience with selling probes, knows the needs of our customers and, together with the East Coast office, gives us live phone coverage from 8:00 to 5:00 through all time zones." McMurtry added.


About NanoAndMore USA
NanoAndMore USA (NAM) was founded in 2005 by NanoWorld Holding AG and George McMurtry, formerly a founder and vice president of Quesant Instrument Corporation, one of the oldest AFM manufacturers. The corporation headed by George McMurtry as CEO is situated on Lady's Island, South Carolina.

NAM was the first distributor of AFM probes to sell them in premounted formats for those AFM systems that require them (such as Quesant Instrument and older Park Scientific systems), as well as just the probes themselves giving the end user a second source of necessary premounted tips with the flexibility of a complete range of premounts from the budget conscious BudgetSensors line to the premier NanoWorld™ and NANOSENSORS™ probes.

NAM USA is also distributing Digital Holographic Microscopes from Lyncee Tec, Nanosight Particle Size Analyzers, Minus-K vibration isolation equipment and the Scanning Probe Image Processor from Image Metrology. NanoAndMore will be adding additional surface analysis products and will gladly discuss distribution of such products with manufacturers; all but AFMs will be considered.

For more information, please click here

George C. McMurtry, CEO
NanoAndMore USA, Inc.
9 James F. Byrnes Street
Lady's Island, SC 29907
toll free: 877-521-1108
fax: 843-521-1148

Copyright © NanoAndMore USA

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