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Home > Press > Molecular Imprints Announces the Imprio® 1100 Precision Imprint Lithography System

Molecular Imprints, Inc. (MII), the leader in nano-imprint lithography, unveiled the latest addition to its Imprio line of imprint lithography tools today at the Strategies in Light trade conference. The Imprio 1100 Precision Imprint Lithography System is a high throughput, whole wafer imprinter designed to enable next generation devices in a broad array of applications, including Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), high density disk substrates for Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), and optical components requiring fine resolution patterning and three dimensional features. MII has sold and installed two of its new Imprio 1100 systems and expects several additional sales and system placements in 2007.

Molecular Imprints Announces the Imprio® 1100 Precision Imprint Lithography System

SAN JOSE, CA | Posted on February 12th, 2007

The high-brightness LED market, one of several market applications for MII's new Imprio 1100, is predicted to double over the next 5 years driven by continued advances in the creation, extraction and collection of light.

Many of the most promising new technologies, for example, quantum dots for light generation, substrate patterning for light extraction and photonic crystals for light collection, require the ability to pattern nanometer-scale features. The Imprio 1100 delivers cost effective patterning of sub-50nm features on the fragile, non-flat substrates commonly encountered in the compound semiconductor industry. The same high resolution processes can also be used to pattern larger features like laser diode ridges and diffractive optical elements with unprecedented pattern fidelity and CD control.

The Imprio 1100 Precision Imprint Lithography System represents the next generation in fully automated nano-imprint lithography combining the resolution and CD control of e-beam lithography with the throughput, overlay and operating simplicity of a mask aligner. The system can be configured to accept the most commonly used substrate types and is ideal for advanced development, pilot production or full production depending on the options selected. MII's proven, step and flash imprint lithography (S-FILTM) processes, template fabrication support, template replication capability, and application expertise combine to produce a cost effective imprint lithography solution with best in class cost of ownership.

"MII has made tremendous progress over the last 18 months adapting the S-FIL process, originally developed for step and repeat imprint lithography on CMOS wafers, to the specific needs of the compound semiconductor industry. MII can now provide turnkey lithographic processes capable of high throughput and long process life on the fragile, non-flat surfaces of compound semiconductor wafers," said Mark Melliar-Smith, CEO of Molecular Imprints. "In addition, the I-1100's conformal S-FIL technology is providing an enabling technology for similar high resolution applications like the patterning of discrete track and bit patterned media for hard disk drive development and precision grating structures for optical components."


About Molecular Imprints
Molecular Imprints, Inc. (MII) develops and manufactures nano-imprint lithography systems for high resolution and 3-dimensional pattern replication. The company has commercialized a proprietary step-and-flash imprint lithography (S-FIL™) technology, which is a room temperature, low pressure, drop-on-demand imprint process that has demonstrated sub-20 nanometer resolution. Molecular Imprints provides lithography systems using S-FIL technology that enable leading edge manufacturing of nanotechnology, solid state lighting, semiconductors, micro optical components, and magnetic data storage devices.

For more information, please click here

Molecular Imprints, Inc.
Rob Hershey, 1-512-658-6016

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