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Home > Press > Frost & Sullivan Recognises Do-Coop Technologies Ltd.'s Innovative Neowater(TM) Water-Based Nanotechnology

The 2007 Frost & Sullivan
Technology Leadership Award in the European polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
reagents market is conferred on Israel-based Do-Coop Technologies Ltd. for
its series of novel nanotechnology-based reagents, which are all based-on
the innovative Neowater(TM), and for their role in enhancing the efficacy
and accuracy of PCR results. The company is also lauded for its consistent
market leadership.

Frost & Sullivan Recognises Do-Coop Technologies Ltd.'s Innovative Neowater(TM) Water-Based Nanotechnology

London, UK | Posted on February 21st, 2007

A patented nanotechnology procedure enables Neowater(TM) to uniquely
mimic the intra cellular properties of water. Neowater(TM) exhibits
hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, and is fundamentally a water
solution with hydrated particles that reduce its entropy.

"Since it is ready to use and is water-based, it offers complete
stability over the long-term and does not require any specific temperature
maintenance," notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst G. Haripriya. "Among
its key benefits are user-friendliness, ease-of-use, cost-effectiveness, an
environmentally safe profile and the ability to yield repeatable results."

In addition to being used as a reagent, Neowater(TM) can be used as a
biocatalyst, media growth enhancer, solvent and buffer. It can be boiled,
autoclaved, sheared, filtered, frozen and also shipped and stored at room
temperature. The advantage of Neowater(TM) is that it provides a better
physical environment for chemical reactions without altering it. The
addition of Neowater(TM) requires only minimal alterations in the
laboratory procedure but the results that are delivered are voluminous.

"In some places, Neowater(TM) is used as a replacement for solvents
which are alcohol and detergent-based while, at times, it is also used as a
reformulation substitute to reduce the toxicity of drugs," adds Ms.
Haripriya. "Neowater(TM) can also be used as a substitute for conventional
buffers to avoid issues related to viscosity."

The PCR enhancement is due to the unique mechanism of action behind
Neowater(TM), namely, that it hydrates molecules and locally concentrates
them even when inside other buffers or normal water. The product is also
cost effective and can be easily used in many types of sub-optimal and
inefficient reactions.

"Neowater(TM) used for PCR enhances the PCR yield and sensitivity and
can also reduce the total PCR volume," says Ms. Haripriya. "It also can
improve the reaction specificity and thereby reduce the length and number
of cycles of the PCR reaction."

Although currently a monopoly because of the patented nanotechnology
behind it, the Neowater(TM) brand is well established among end users and
promises to have continued appeal.

The product has already achieved significant market penetration and has
strengthened Do-Coop Technologies' global presence.

The Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Leadership is bestowed each
year upon the company that has demonstrated excellence in technology
leadership within its industry. The recipient company has demonstrated
technology leadership by excelling in all stages of the technology life
cycle-incubation, adaptation, take-up and maturity-to ensure a continuous
flow of improvements. By innovating leading-edge concepts the company has
pioneered client applications.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognise companies in a variety
of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement
and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological
innovation, customer service and strategic product development. Industry
analysts compare market participants and measure performance through
in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research in order to
identify best practices in the industry.


About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has been
partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies
for more than 40 years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth
consulting, growth partnership services and corporate management training
to identify and develop opportunities. Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive
clientele that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the
investment community, by providing comprehensive industry coverage that
reflects a unique global perspective and combines ongoing analysis of
markets, technologies, econometrics, and demographics.

For more information, please click here

Beatrix Beck
Events Co-ordinator
Frost & Sullivan
Tel: +44-1865-398-698

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