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Home > Press > CMC Microsystems Announces Dr. Ian McWalter as New President and CEO

Former Chairman of the CMC Board of Directors Brings Over 30 Years of Industry Leadership to CMC

CMC Microsystems Announces Dr. Ian McWalter as New President and CEO

KINGSTON, CANADA | Posted on July 5th, 2007

CMC Microsystems today announced the appointment of Dr. Ian McWalter as the new President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. McWalter brings over 30 years of leadership from the semiconductor and electronics industry, in addition to 15 years of experience on the CMC Board of Directors where he served as Chairman from 1993 to 2005. He assumes leadership from Jim Roche, Ottawa-based entrepreneur and former President and CEO of Tundra, who served as interim President and CEO of CMC during the executive search.

Dr. McWalter has extensive R&D and business expertise in the global
microsystems industry. As Chief Executive Officer of Toumaz Technology Ltd. in
the United Kingdom from April 2006 to June 2007, he focused on the development
of new markets for ultra-low power silicon in medical applications. Before
joining Toumaz, Dr. McWalter spent 15 years at Gennum Corporation in
Burlington, Ontario, including five years as President and CEO from April 2000
to November 2005. During his tenure at Gennum, he also served as Executive
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from 1997 to 2000; as
Vice-President, Manufacturing Operations from 1994 to 1997; and as
Vice-President, Research & Development from 1991 to 1994. Previously,
Dr. McWalter held a number of management positions with Bell Northern Research
(now Nortel Networks) from 1978 to 1991. He acquired his PhD in Electrical
Engineering in 1976 and his BSc in Physics in 1971 from the Imperial College
of Science and Technology in London (United Kingdom).

Consistent with CMC's strategic direction, Dr. McWalter will focus on
opportunities to accelerate the research, development and commercialization of
Canadian-designed microsystems: "I am excited about the evolving mandate of
CMC which aims to increase the capability of university researchers and
improve the competitiveness of Canadian companies across multiple sectors.
This includes the exploitation of microsystems for applications in the life
sciences. These technologies are already helping to realize greater
efficiencies in health care-from improved detection and diagnosis of disease
to the smart administration of drugs. This area represents high-margin growth
opportunities and the potential to improve the health and well being of our

Chris Lumb, President and CEO of Micralyne Inc. and Chairman of the CMC
Board of Directors, emphasized the knowledge and experience that Dr. McWalter
brings to CMC and its stakeholders: "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am
delighted to welcome Dr. McWalter as our new President and CEO. As an
established industry leader and former Chairman of the CMC Board, he has
significantly influenced the microelectronics and microsystems R&D landscape
in Canada. Building on his track record in the development of Canadian
companies such as Gennum, he will play a pivotal role in helping to strengthen
Canada's microsystems R&D leadership in the global economy."

Jim Roche, who acted as interim President and CEO of CMC since November
2006, also led the executive search committee on behalf of the Board of
Directors. He describes how Dr. McWalter will help to increase CMC's impact on
Canadian companies: "CMC currently delivers microsystems design, manufacture
and test capability to over 2,900 researchers in Canadian universities. CMC
will build on this model and establish a private subsidiary that will deliver
similar capability to emerging companies for the commercial development of
microsystems. I cannot think of a more accomplished industry leader than
Dr. McWalter to help Canadian entrepreneurs to design novel microsystems and
compete aggressively in the market. It has been an honour to serve as the
interim President and CEO of such a dynamic organization, and I have every
confidence that it will thrive under the leadership of Dr. McWalter."


About CMC Microsystems
CMC Microsystems builds partnerships among government, industry and
universities to enable and accelerate Canada's global competitiveness in
microsystems. As Canada's leader in the provision of national infrastructure
for microsystems research and technology development in universities, CMC
provides leading-edge tools and technologies for world-class research leading
to innovation and the commercialization of microsystems. CMC's membership
includes 42 universities, one college, and 28 industrial organizations. More
information is available at

About Microsystems


- Tiny electrical and mechanical devices that are small enough to fit on
the head of a pin
- Include MEMS, microfluidics, photonics, nanotechnology and
- Sense and manipulate their environment

...are all around us:

- Pacemakers: microsystems help the heart beat
- Airbags: microsystems deploy airbags
- Video games: microsystems detect game controller motion
- Diagnostic devices: microsystems identify and analyze genetic materials
- Fuel cells: microsystems convert chemicals into water and in the
process produce clean electricity
- Cell phones: microsystems process signals and connect us to the world
- Water quality systems: microsystems detect pathogens in drinking water
- Airplanes: microsystems help a pilot to take-off, fly and land a plane

For more information, please click here

Sonya Shorey, Director of Marketing
Communications, CMC Microsystems, (613) 530-4698, Cell: (613) 851-9416,

Copyright © CNW Group Ltd.

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