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Jack Uldrich
Jack Uldrich

Abstract: aims to help leaders deal with radical change

Noted Author Unveils New Website Dedicated to Exponential Advances in Technology

MINNEAPOLIS, MN | Posted on October 1st, 2007

If given the choice between accepting $100,000 a day for all 31 days of October or being given a penny on the first day and then having the amount double every day until the end of the month, which would you choose?

If you selected the $100,000-a-day option you would receive $3.1 million, but if you had the wisdom to select the second option you would be entitled to the princely sum of $21,474,836.47. That's right -- the penny option, after just 31 days, is worth over $18 million more! Such is the power of exponential growth.

The moral of this story is that individuals need to understand the awesome power of exponential growth because there are now eight technological forces that are growing at or near exponential rates. These forces are computer processing power, data storage, Internet bandwidth, genome sequencing technology, brain scanning technology, robotics, nanotechnology and software algorithms.

If one were to plot out these trends on a graph their line of progress would at first appear linear in nature. Eventually, however, as the doubling grows (e.g. from a penny on October 1 to over $10 million by Halloween), the curve begins to shoot up in an almost vertical fashion. To prosper from these trends it helps then to know how to "jump the curve"

The amount of technological progress that is afoot is nothing short of revolutionary. To help leaders in all fields understand the accelerating pace of this change as well as provide them with the unique insights and innovative ideas necessary to better prepare their organizations for this radical advance, noted author and well-respected global futurist, Jack Uldrich has unveiled a new website: .

The new website compliments Uldrich's forthcoming book, Jump the Curve: 50 Essential Strategies for Dealing with Emerging Technologies, and will be written in the same user-friendly way that his best-selling book The Next Big is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Business was written.


For more information, please click here

Jack Uldrich
The NanoVeritas Group

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