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New 'Advances in Polymer Technology' Report is a Unique Insight into Polymer Research Activity Worldwide

DUBLIN, Ireland | Posted on October 13th, 2007

This report analyzes several scientific and technological advances that have been achieved and which are leading toward new applications for plastics and advanced polymers.

Polymer science has evolved over the years by a need to produce new materials for new applications. While some materials have been on the market for a while, there exists a need to optimize their properties to meet specific requirements. And when it comes to developing new materials, more emphasis is being placed on controlling the manufacturing process to manipulate molecular weight or develop novel architectures.

Polymers have experienced so much market success because it is possible to build properties into the material. Further advances in polymer research will enable the materials to meet the demand for highly specialized applications, such as those found in optics and electronics.

Almost daily, new developments are emerging from advanced materials and polymer research labs around the world: novel electroactive polymer actuators; polymer nanofilms; self-healing polymers; electrically conducting tissue; embedded waveguide sensors in polymer membranes…But to compete and -- better yet -- get an edge on your competitors, you must be the first to have this new technology. Technology can lead to innovative ideas and new products.

A Unique Opportunity

Now you have a unique opportunity to learn more about a variety of polymer research activities at universities, companies and government research labs worldwide. For the most part, these are technologies that you can develop into commercial processes or products in the short term. A new report from Functional Technology Intelligence -- FTI -- Advances in Polymer Technology; Highlights of Research with Commercial Applications -- reviews important research efforts in polymer science. The report discusses potential commercial applications, and indicates when some potential products and processes will be commercially viable. Some of the technologies already may be commercially viable.

You'll learn of the latest efforts involving polymer research in the fields of electronics, nanotechnology, substrate science, detection, optics and healthcare. This report will help you take advantage of these technologies—through licensing or other collaborative arrangements—so that you can commercialize them before your competitors do. Contact information is provided for key researchers, enabling you to reach them and collaborate on innovative research.

Learn about advances on several fronts, including:

-Organic light-emitting diodes based on pi-conjugated polymers that offer significant advantages over other display materials.

-Polymer-based microsystems that use liquid-based photopolymerization to rapidly produce microcomponents in situ, that is, inside microchannels.

-The incorporation of nanoparticles into polymers to improve various properties.

-The design of new tissues using functional cells and biodegradable polymer scaffolds that have been appropriately configured.

Advances in Polymer Technology will enable you to track important developments involving polymer research. This report will help you establish contacts with key researchers and learn about projects that will help you and your company stay competitive. Return the completed order form - found on the last page of this letter - today, and learn about the innovations that will help you stay competitive!

Executive Summary

The Significance of Plastic

Diverse Technology

The Goal of Polymer Science

Generating Novel Materials

The Advantages of Plastics

Scope and Methodology



Key Applications




Packaging Systems

Strong Market Presence


Benchmark Properties

Improved Dielectric

Binding A Chemical Film

Soliton Power

Hybrid Battery

Electroactive Polymer Actuators

Organic LEDs

LCPs for Space

Less Costly Flexible Displays

Molecular Wires

Organic Electronics

Organic Semiconductor Processing

Polyester Lubricant

Self Healing Polymers

Polymer Interfaces

Fire-Safe Green Plastic

Corrosion-Resistant Conducting Polymers

Electrochemical Supercapacitors

Self-Regulating Microsystem


Clay Surface Modification

Conductive Materials

Thermoplastic Foam









Substrate Science

Polymer Bonding

Laser Deposition

Polymer-Assisted Deposition

Water Repellant

Confined Films

Self-Healing Polymers

Hyperbranched Polymers

Antiwear Films

Aging Process


Implanted Sensors

Gas Sensor Patterning

Molecular Sensing

Microsensor Film

Embedded Waveguide Sensors


Photorefractive Polymer

Polarization Holographics


Hernia Repair

Blood Clotting

Polymer Complexes

DNA Base Pairs

Drug Delivery

Molecular Rings

Intracellular Delivery

Electrically Conducting Tissue


Biological Molecules

Organ Cells

Anchor Molecules

Polymer-Based Nerve Regeneration


Drug Eluting Stent

Controlled Release


Stimuli-Sensitive Gels


For Further Reading


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Research and Markets
Laura Wood
Senior Manager
Fax: +353 1 4100 980

Copyright © Business Wire 2007

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