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Home > Press > Identica Holdings Corp. Announces Launch of European Operations

Identica Holdings Corporation, a leader in next-generation biometric identification and security solutions, today announced the establishment of Identica Corp., PLC in London, UK. In addition, Identica appointed Eur Ing Dr. Royston Flude to serve as the General Manager for all European operations. The new office will service the growing demand from international clients in Western and Eastern Europe using Identica's vascular biometric technology and credentialing and access control database systems.

Identica Holdings Corp. Announces Launch of European Operations

London, UK | Posted on October 16th, 2007

"The biometrics industry is growing tremendously and our expansion into Europe is a result of the rapid acceptance of vascular recognition technology," said Terry Wheeler, COO and President of Identica Holdings Corporation. "Dr. Flude brings to our team more than 25 years of experience and his leadership and expertise will be a great addition to our team as we expand Identica within the European Market."

Dr. Royston Flude combines knowledge of science and engineering with a robust understanding of the commercial realities of secure systems driving enhanced customer relationships and opportunities for growth. He is a Chartered Physicist, European and Chartered Engineer and graduate of the University of Manchester. His career encompasses senior positions with Shell Chemicals, Reed International, Lafarge Coppeé, Philips and Manpower, among others. Dr. Flude has been a Fellow of both The Institute of Personnel and Development and the Institute of Directors. He was awarded the prestigious Presidential Citation from Rotary Club International for his membership development initiatives. Dr. Flude is a specialist in the development of nanotechnology with extensive connections in the financial, computer and hardware market sectors.

"Biometric vein recognition should not be regarded as just an opportunity to have more secure access control and time & attendance but as a mechanism to provide value-added customer focused service in financial services, education, health and entertainment without the risk of failure or compromise," said Dr. Flude. "Identica is at the forefront of biometric technology, offering cutting edge accuracy, reliability, speed and ease of use across all cultural and ethnic diversities."

Identica's VP-II scanner utilizes patented recognition algorithms to capture and encrypt the unique vascular patterns on the back of the human hand. Identica's WeatherShield, an automated heated outdoor enclosure, ensures consistent outdoor operation in harsh climates and extreme temperatures. With the option of storing the encrypted unique personal template on media such as a smart card, the scanner communicates with Identica's proprietary Universal Controller (the UC-2) and biometrically verifies the user with the stored template on the media.

For more information on Identica Corp. PLC please email or visit the Web site at .


About Identica Holdings Corporation
Identica Corp., PLC, a subsidiary of Identica Holdings Corporation, is the premiere provider of next-generation biometric security solutions in Europe. Identica's superior vascular pattern recognition technology verifies and recognizes human users by utilizing a near infrared camera and proprietary algorithms to capture images of veins, arteries and capillaries found on the back of the human hand. The identity security solutions offered by Identica's operating subsidiaries are provided by resellers and security integrators throughout the Americas; Western and Eastern Europe; and Israel. Identica is currently privately held. Major Investors include eRoomSystems Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: ERMS).

For more information, please click here

Francis Reyes
Fusion Public Relations

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