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Home > Press > Historic Quebec-Japan nanotechnology agreement - NBCI and NanoQuébec sign a three-year partnership agreement

Mr. Sylvain Cofsky, Director General of NanoQuébec, is proud to announce the signing of a historic Quebec-Japan nanotechnology development agreement. The signing took place at the Pointe-à-Callière Museum in Montreal.

Historic Quebec-Japan nanotechnology agreement - NBCI and NanoQuébec sign a three-year partnership agreement

MONTREAL, CANADA | Posted on October 31st, 2007

With representatives of the provincial and federal governments,
universities and the private sector in attendance, the NBCI (Nano Business
Creation Initiative) and NanoQuébec made official a three-year partnership

The agreement is the NBCI's first North American initiative. As the
world's largest private nanotechnology organization, the NBCI has over
300 members active in the field.

With the signing, Quebec and Japan have taken a major step toward
fostering collaborative efforts to promote and develop nanotechnology.

"This agreement is an exceptional vote of confidence on the part of the
NBCI, which will find NanoQuébec to be an excellent gateway to North America.
It will also help us support our universities and companies in their efforts
to work with the major nanotech player that is Japan" said Mr. Cofsky.

Mr. François Bouilhac, assistant deputy minister for Quebec's department
of economic development, innovation and export trade (MDEIE), added: "Quebec's
strength in nanotechnology resides in the willingness of key players to work
together to ensure the success of this branch of technology. Quebec has become
a Canadian leader thanks to collaboration between universities, industry and
government. Helping them achieve faster access to the Japanese market will
help make Quebec a global force in nanotechnology."

The partnership is a result of a productive mission to Japan in February
of this year, organized jointly by MDEIE and NanoQuébec, for the world's
largest nanotechnology trade show, Nanotech2007. The Quebec partners formed
the largest component of the Canadian delegation.


About NanoQuébec
NanoQuébec is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to
strengthen innovation in nanotechnology in order to ensure solid and sustained
economic growth for Quebec and Canada. Its principal funding partners are
MDEIE (Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de
l'Exportation) and Canada Economic Development.

For more information, please click here

Karine Pitton
(514) 284-0211

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