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Home > News > ASSE to Host Safety & Health 'SeminarFest' in Vegas, Jan. 20-26

November 6th, 2007

ASSE to Host Safety & Health 'SeminarFest' in Vegas, Jan. 20-26

The American Society of Safety Engineers will host SeminarFest, an intensive weeklong event of more than 50 seminars ranging from one to three days in length offering essential technical, management, and skill development topics for occupational safety, health, and environmental professionals. The event will take place at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel Jan. 20-26.

Throughout the week, a veritable festival of seminars will be conducted, including skill-building sessions on such topics as safety management, safety training, achieving safety excellence, leadership, and coaching. Business acumen development seminars in ROI, cost-benefit analysis, Six Sigma, statistical analysis, project management, balanced scorecard, performance management, strategic planning, and criminal and liability law are also slated. Technical and topical seminars will cover emergency management, pandemic management, technology solutions, risk management, nanotechnology, hazard analysis, ergonomics, incident investigation, crisis management, environmental management, electrical safety, industrial hygiene, lockout/tagout, confined space rescue, construction issues, fall protection, and more.


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