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A-Metrics, LLC and SEO Precision, Inc. have announced a partnership to advance fast steering mirror (FSM) technology with "order of magnitude" accuracy increases for laser guidance products with many government and commercial applications. Executives in the partnering organizations said their electro-optical solutions will dramatically improve the current technology and vastly enhance product performance.

Laser Guidance Takes a Quantum Leap

Charlotte, NC, | Posted on November 21st, 2007

Laser Guidance Takes a Quantum Leap

Charlotte, NC, November 21, 2007 --( A-Metrics, LLC and SEO Precision, Inc. have announced a partnership to advance fast steering mirror (FSM) technology with "order of magnitude" accuracy increases for laser guidance products with many government and commercial applications. Executives in the partnering organizations said their electro-optical solutions will dramatically improve the current technology and vastly enhance product performance.

A-Metrics owns patented technology to produce ultra-precision displacement transducers with Angstrom sensitivity. SEO will design and develop FSM products using A-Metrics transducers in applications such as customized directed energy weapons systems, laser communications, and biometrics.

In directed energy weapons systems, used to defend against ballistic and cruise missiles and disable air, ground, and sea transport vehicles, fast-steering mirrors help mitigate the "jitter" inherent in high energy laser beams. This is essential for maintaining the accuracy required to hit targets at great ranges, and for reducing system costs. Fast steering mirrors also diminish "pointing jitter" in laser communications applications, which ensures the extreme accuracy essential for high capacity data transmission rates. "Our new joint capability will enable customers to focus on the head of a pin from 1,000 miles away, opening new frontiers in reconnaissance and laser communications," said Bruce Fagerland, CEO at SEO Precision.

In the biometrics arena, SEO and A-Metrics are jointly developing technologies that will push the limits of existing iris-scanning capabilities - providing extremely precise stand-off iris scanning from over 100 meters for greatly improved security identification and other purposes.

"Our new products will also enable customers to resolve to a nanometer from one meter away," noted Ludwik F. Zon, A-Metrics CEO and general manager. "This creates opportunities for applications not yet imagined in nanotechnology, semi-conductor manufacturing, and a wide range of emerging applications in telemedicine. Our combined capabilities provide opportunities to customize our technology for many commercial applications," Zon continued.

SEO Precision, Inc., located in Crosby, N.D., has more than two decades of experience in successful space and defense programs, and leads the industry in innovative fast steering mirror design. Contact Bruce Fagerland, Chief Executive Officer, 701-965-5653,

With patents in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, Charlotte, N.C.-based A-Metrics LLC makes their transducer technology available to companies and institutions worldwide for licensing, purchase, or joint ventures. Contact Ludwik. F. Zon, CEO and General Manager, 704-307-2443,


About SEO Precision, Inc.
SEO Precision, Inc., located in Crosby, N.D., has more than two decades of experience in successful space and defense programs, and leads the industry in innovative fast steering mirror design. Contact Bruce Fagerland, Chief Executive Officer, 701-965-5653, .

With patents in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, Charlotte, N.C.-based A-Metrics LLC makes their transducer technology available to companies and institutions worldwide for licensing, purchase, or joint ventures. Contact Ludwik. F. Zon, CEO and General Manager, 704-307-2443, .

For more information, please click here

Jeff Rothe

Copyright © SEO Precision, Inc.

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