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Home > News > Get a nano for a beard: Panasonic ARC IV Nano Shaver

December 3rd, 2007

Get a nano for a beard: Panasonic ARC IV Nano Shaver

If your Christmas "must-get" list has an electric shaver on it and you don't mind paying some jingle for it, then the brand-new Panasonic ARC IV Nano may impress. With four blades, the company promises a broader cutting surface, allowing more whiskers to be cut on the first pass. (We didn't get one to try out so we're taking their word for it.)

Extra-sharp Nanotech (hence the name) razor blades on independently floating shaver heads are designed to provide a close shave, reaching hair growing in any direction. The" floating heads" closely follow facial contours, while the specially-calibrated blades are "honed at a 30-degree angle" to produce a clean, efficient cut. The Arc IV Nano's super-close shave minimizes skin irritation. Additional features include wet/dry capabilities, for shaving at the sink, in the shower, or even on the go (for example, my husband finds that an important feature as he likes to shave in the truck when he gets to location). Other handy features are the LCD display which indicates battery charge level as well as when the razor needs to be cleaned. Also, a full-width pop-up trimmer slides up for grooming of sideburns or mustache. And for easy maintenance, the shaver rinses clean under the faucet.


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