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December 18th, 2007

Think big, think nano

In an exclusive interview, Professor Niels Christian Nielsen, winner of this year's Danisco Award, shared his thoughts with Stephen Daniells on the rise of nanotechnology and gave insight on this fascinating new area of the food industry.

Nanotechnology is already seen by many as a key source of innovation for food products. Indeed, more 600 nanofood products are already available on the global market, according to new data from the Helmut Kaiser Consultancy (HKC).

Moreover, HKC predicts a change of 40 to 60 per cent in the food industry by 2015 as a result of nanotechnology.

And, with players such as Danisco and Arla Foods onboard, Denmark's NanoFood consortium is making big noises with nanotechnology. While still limited to Denmark, Prof. Nielsen admits to having a larger ambition. "Obviously we want to be international," he said.


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