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January 31st, 2008

Tallow in the crankcase

Animal fat - the nasty gloop that clogs up our arteries, yet makes fried chicken just so scrumptious! - has long been consider a source material to make fuel for diesel-powered cars and trucks, though its typically blended with traditional diesel. Now a company is making engine oil from such fats - but sans petroleum altogether.

Green Earth Technologies (GET) rolled out "G-OIL" late last year (around November to be precise), touted as a totally biodegradable motor oil guaranteed to protect engines - in this case both gasoline and diesel models - just as well as petroleum-based brands, but without the environmental hazards or dependence on foreign oil.

G-OIL is manufactured from tallow - culled from beef and once used to make animal feed and soap - that it buys from American farmers (note the stress on "American" here: they don't miss a chance to tout that fact). The company uses nanotechnology to convert tallow from a solid raw material into completely biodegradable motor oil - making roughly one barrel of G-OIL from one barrel of animal tallow, as compared to the three barrels of petroleum needed to make one barrel of traditional engine oil.


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