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Home > Press > NCKU Launches Biomedical and Nanotechnology Integration Project

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) today announced the launch of its Integration of Biomedical and Nanotechnology Systems Project. NCKU's Center for Biomaterials Research will conduct a molecule simulation to study the adverse effects of applying nanotechnology. The results of the research project may be used in future medicinal design and clinical treatment to help ensure the human health and to safeguard the environment.

NCKU Launches Biomedical and Nanotechnology Integration Project

Tainan, Taiwan | Posted on March 19th, 2009

NCKU received from IBM a Shared University Research (SUR) award, under which IBM systems, software and services are provided to help the university jump-start the project. To support the project's molecular simulation requirement for powerful data processing capability, IBM will provide CELL Blade development environment, which will enable NCKU to accelerate its research. The first stage of the project is expected to be completed later this year.

Nanotechnology has been experiencing exponential growth in Taiwan, with the production value exceeding NT 300 billion, or US$ 1 billion, in 2008, according to Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan. Research findings have pointed to the critical importance of the interactions between nanotechnology and human cells.

According to Dr. Michael Ming-Chiao Lai, President of the new project at NCKU, "Most of the simulation software currently used for nanotechnology research and its effect on the human body only supports the computation of either inorganic material or organic molecules. NCKU is the first institute that achieved a breakthrough that combines the simulation of organic and inorganic substances. Combined with IBM's advanced IT resources and expertise in healthcare, NCKU has launched the Biomedical Nanotechnology Integration Project, which we believe will lead to new discoveries in the field of simulated testing on the interaction of nano substances and bio-molecules."

"As a company focused on improving how the world works, through solving the most challenging problems in business and society, IBM is pleased to support The Integration of Biomedical and Nanotechnology Systems Project," said Edward Yu, General Manager, IBM Taiwan. "With IBM's support of powerful IT resources, NCKU is able to accelerate its research efforts to solve problems that can in turn lead to breakthroughs in both biomedicine and nanotechnology."

After the completion of the first stage of the project, NCKU will continue to work with IBM in the integration of organic and inorganic systems as well as developing higher performance computing. According to Professor Chi-Chuan Huang of the Center for Biomaterials Research at NCKU, the focus of their research is on high performance computing that integrates inorganic and organic systems.

The IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Awards is a worldwide award program designed to promote research in areas of mutual value and interest to IBM and universities. In Taiwan, IBM has previously provided awards to National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University and National Yang-Ming University for their research in innovative technology, service science and biotechnology.

NCKU is the fifth university that IBM cooperates with in Taiwan. Through IBM's expertise in technology, resources, and services, NCKU will be able to employ more intelligent methods in its research of nanotechnology and human body for the better health of the world's population.

As a leader in the field of nanotechnology, IBM is actively working with governmental agencies and other organizations, including universities, to support the development of environmental, health and safety information that leads to greater human health and environmental protection, and responsible and sustainable nanotechnology development. IBM is one of the first companies to create safe work practices and health and safety training for employees that work with engineered nanoparticles.


About National Cheng Kung University
With three quarters of a century of distinguished history, with well over 120,000 powerful alumni now dotting the globe, many have achieved supreme successes in arts, business, education, science, technology and healthcare and are ready and willing to assist, with 20,000 academic selective students and 1100 academic significant faculty members currently, both have healthy dosage of international flavor, with enormous regional support, and with a permeating culture of proactive intellectual growth on the world’s stage, NCKU in Tainan, Taiwan, has evolved from its engineering genesis to become a powerful comprehensive, research and international university in Asia Pacific.

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