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Malvern's webinar program doubles in size

Record breakers!

Malvern, UK | Posted on April 2nd, 2009

A long-time pioneer of effective global eLearning, Malvern Instruments has this year more than doubled the size of its web seminar program. Over 120 web events are taking place in 2009, spanning the whole range of Malvern's materials characterization products and their applications, which now also include Viscotek GPC/SEC systems. Specialists from Malvern's product and applications teams are joined this year by a number of guest presenters from other organisations. Subject matter covers everything from basic techniques to sophisticated applications and there are presentations in a number of different languages.

Visit for details and to register.

The complete English language program, with abstracts, can be downloaded as a pdf at

Audiences for these free web seminars regularly run into the hundreds, with numbers growing as those working in both industry and academia appreciate having high quality content delivered to them direct. With current economic pressures limiting travel to conferences and exhibitions, Malvern's web seminar series delivers access to a highly cost-effective means of learning about new products, techniques and applications.

According to Malvern's VP Marketing Communications Randy Byrne, "Malvern's 2009 web seminar program is probably the largest ever seen in our industry. In stepping up its already significant commitment to remote global education, Malvern is looking to support its present and future customers in what for many is a challenging time."

Malvern web seminars can be accessed free of charge by anyone, wherever they are in the world. To view the full series of web seminars, and other Malvern eLearning options, and to register for an event, visit

Malvern and Malvern Instruments are registered trademarks of Malvern Instruments Ltd


About Malvern Instruments
Malvern Instruments provides a range of complementary materials characterization tools that deliver inter-related measurements reflecting the complexities of particulates and disperse systems, nanomaterials and macromolecules. Analytical instruments from Malvern are used in the characterization of a wide variety of materials, from industrial bulk powders to nanomaterials and delicate macromolecules. A broad portfolio of innovative technologies is combined with intelligent, user-friendly software. These systems deliver industrially relevant data enabling our customers to make the connection between micro (such as particle size) and macro (bulk) material properties (rheology) and chemical composition (chemical imaging).

Particle size, particle shape, zeta potential, molecular weight, chemical composition and rheological properties measurements are now joined by advanced chromatography solutions (GPC/SEC), extending Malvern’s technologies for protein molecular weight, size and aggregation measurements, and synthetic polymer molecular weight and distribution. The company’s laboratory, at-line, on-line and in-line solutions are proven in sectors as diverse as cement production and pharmaceutical drug discovery.

Headquartered in Malvern, UK, Malvern Instruments has subsidiary organizations in all major European markets, North America, China, Korea and Japan, a joint venture in India, a global distributor network and applications laboratories around the world.

For more information, please click here

For press information, please contact:

Trish Appleton
Kapler Communications
Knowledge Centre
Wyboston Lakes
Great North Road
MK44 3BY
Tel: +44 (0)1480 479280
Fax: +44 (0)1480 470343

USA contact:

Marisa Fraser
Malvern Instruments Inc.
117 Flanders Road
MA 01581-1042
Tel: +1 508 768 6400
Fax: +1 508 768 6403

Please send sales enquiries to:

Alison Vines
Malvern Instruments Ltd
Enigma Business Park
Grovewood Road
WR14 1XZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1684 892456
Fax: +44 (0) 1684 892789

Copyright © Malvern Instruments

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