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Home > Press > Arkema appoints Velox as European distributor for its Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

Arkema has appointed Hamburg-based Velox GmbH as distributor for its Graphistrength® multiwall carbon nanotube products.

Arkema appoints Velox as European distributor for its Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

Europe | Posted on July 10th, 2009

In 2006, Arkema inaugurated Europe's first plant capable of producing 20 tons per year of multiwall carbon nanotubes, and has built a broad product portfolio for the polymer industry to include the elastomeric, thermoplastic, thermosetting, coating and adhesive sectors.

Thanks to its intrinsic outstanding mechanical and conductivity properties, Graphistrength® can be used in numerous applications such as high strength composite materials, electronic components, conductive coatings, electrode material for batteries and fuel cells, etc.

Velox will offer the full Graphistrength® product range across Europe (except in the UK where Hubron Specialty Limited is the appointed distributor). The range currently includes the pure Graphistrength® products, and the extended range of masterbatches designed to ease incorporation and maximize Graphistrength® added value into a whole range of elastomers, thermoplastics, resins and waterborne applications.

Velox already works closely with other Arkema businesses and distributes OXPEKK® high performance polyketone from Oxford Performance Materials (OPM), an Arkema Company.

Full details on the Graphistrength® range can be viewed on the dedicated Arkema website


About Arkema
A global chemical company and France’s leading chemicals producer, Arkema consists of three businesses: Vinyl Products, Industrial Chemicals, and Performance Products. Arkema reports sales of 5.6 billion euros. Arkema has 15,000 employees in over 40 countries and six research centers located in France, the United States and Japan. With internationally recognized brands, Arkema holds leadership positions in its principal markets.

Velox GmbH is a European leader in the marketing and supply of specialty raw materials for the plastics, rubber, paint and coating industries. Established in 1993 by Bernard Goursaud and N. Max Schlenzig, Velox’s Head Office is in Hamburg, Germany. The company currently has 15 offices and 95 experienced staff servicing customers in the majority of European Union countries as well as in Russia and Turkey.
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For more information, please click here

Graphistrength® Business Manager: Anissa Brahmi
Phone: + 33 1 49 00 74 58

Sybille Chaix
Phone: + 33 1 49 00 70 30

Velox Business Manager:
François Minec
Phone: +49 40 369 688 41

Copyright © Arkema

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