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Home > Press > NASA R&D Executive Joins Lighting Science Group Corporation; David E. Bartine, Ph.D to Serve as Vice President of Material Science Research

Lighting Science Group Corporation (LSG) announces today that David E. Bartine has joined the company as Vice President of Material Science Research reporting to Fred Maxik, Chief Scientific Officer. Bartine will be based at the company's Satellite Beach, Florida headquarters.

NASA R&D Executive Joins Lighting Science Group Corporation; David E. Bartine, Ph.D to Serve as Vice President of Material Science Research

Satellite Beach, FL | Posted on September 21st, 2009

Dr. Bartine brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Lighting Science," said Fred Maxik, Chief Scientific Officer, "his work at both NASA and Oak Ridge Labs in applied technologies, manufacturing systems and design, and program organization and launch will positively impact both the quality and delivery of innovative LSG LED (light emitting diodes) lighting solutions to the market."

Bartine will be responsible for the identification, evaluation and selection of new materials for the development and manufacture of advanced LED lighting products. He will evaluate the applicability of fundamental nanotechnology research, quantum dots and structural materials as they relate to the future of lighting technology. He will be responsible for health and safety compliance, environmental issues and the selection of environmentally friendly materials for manufacturing. He will assist in research on the biomedical uses of light and will be responsible for collaboration with government agencies, universities and other research organizations.

During his 11 years at NASA, Bartine worked at both the Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX (1998-2000) and the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL (2000-2009), on projects related to technology needs and solutions for both the Moon and Mars exploration programs. He most recently served as Director, Applied Technology Directorate at the Kennedy Space Center responsible for improvement of existing systems and the development and implementation of new products for ground operations at KSC and lunar surface systems.

From 1995 to 1997, Bartine did project consulting for Retech, Ukiah, CA; M4 Environmental Management, Oak Ridge, TN and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Golden, CO.

Bartine's career at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN spanned 25 years from 1969 to 1994. At Oak Ridge Laboratories, Bartine served as the Program Director for the Strategic Defense Initiative Program (Star Wars-SDI) for Oak Ridge Laboratories from 1984 to 1988 and he served as the Program Director for the Space and Defense Technology Program (SDT) from 1988 to 1991. He worked on and was liaison with NASA on strategies for a permanent manned Moon base and for manned exploration to the Moon and Mars. He completed his career at Oak Ridge Laboratories as Associate Director, Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology organizing and directing a program to develop, demonstrate and deploy manufacturing technologies to benefit U.S. industries.

"Lighting Science is honored to have Dr. Bartine join our team", said Zach Gibler, President and C.E.O., "his accomplishments and his focus on technology will help Lighting Science take a quantum leap into the future of lighting technology".

Dr. Bartine holds a B.S., Chemistry from Eastern Baptist College; a M.S., Science Teaching from the University of Pennsylvania; a M.S., Nuclear Engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla and a Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering from the University of Missouri at Rolla.

"The lighting industry is going through an unprecedented change, technological advances and innovations are driving lighting into new territories. The common incandescent light bulb will soon be a thing of the past, driving us to re-interpret how we light our world. Energy efficiency and environmental responsibility are taking center stage in the lighting industry. New uses for light are being discovered especially in the biomedical field. We are beginning to understand how light effects our health and well being. Lighting Science is at the forefront of this new frontier and I am looking forward to being part of it". Dr. David Bartine said.

LSG Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The statements include, but are not limited to statements regarding our expectations concerning management and our ability to expand and develop our business and statements using terminology such as "advance," "success," "will," "intensified," "revived," "would," "could," "expect," "intend," "plan," "anticipate," "believe," "potential," "opportunity," "greater," "help," or "extensive." Such statements reflect the current view of LSG with respect to future events and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the statements. In evaluating these statements, you should specifically consider various factors that may cause our actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements. Readers should carefully review the risk factors detailed under "Risk Factors" in our Form 10-K's, Form 10-Q's and other Securities and Exchange Commission filings. These filings can be obtained by contacting LSG's Contact.


About Lighting Science Group Corporation
Lighting Science Group Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets LED lighting solutions that are environmentally friendlier and more energy efficient than traditional lighting products. LSG offers retrofit LED lamps in form factors that match the form factor of traditional lamps or bulbs and LED luminaires for a range of applications including public and private infrastructure for both indoor and outdoor applications. LSG's Custom Solutions business unit designs, develops and manufactures custom LED lighting solutions for architectural and artistic projects. LSG is headquartered in Satellite Beach, Florida; LSG's Custom Solutions business unit is based in Rancho Cordova, California; LSG's European operations are based in Goes, The Netherlands; and, LSG has sales offices in Tokyo, Japan, Buckinghamshire, England and Sydney, Australia.

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