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Home > Press > Emerging Technologies and Trends of Advanced Rechargeable Battery Market

Abstract: included "Advanced Rechargeable Battery Market: Emerging Technologies and Trends Worldwide" report that provides a concise, focused look on the world of rechargeable batteries as it exists today and gives its forecast for next five years. Emerging Technologies and Trends of Advanced Rechargeable Battery Market

India | Posted on October 3rd, 2009

Whether it is a battery for the latest laptop, energy storage for a hybrid electric vehicle, or backup power for a remote telecommunications site, everyone wants a battery that has the highest energy density, best safety factor, and longest life in term of discharge cycles and ease of maintenance while still being environmentally friendly. These are the drivers behind rechargeable battery research around the world today. Rechargeable batteries, also known as storage batteries, are a continuing strong market, with worldwide sales of $36 billion in 2008. The rechargeable battery market will rise to $51 billion by 2013. (

Lithium-ion is the battery chemistry of choice for future generations of portable electronics and hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. In 2008, lithium-ion battery research had more funding than all other battery technologies combined. Nanotechnology and chemistry advances in electrode design are the key research topics that companies are using to push lithium-ion to be the dominant energy storage technology in the future.

The portable rechargeable battery market, of which lithium-ion has a 75% share, is the fastest growing segment of the rechargeable battery market, showing world market growth of 20% in 2008. Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries, still important for power tools and back-up systems, will decline rapidly in market share by 2013 due to stricter environmental controls on cadmium. And Ni-MH will see its market share slowly erode due to increasing lithium-ion market share and new silver-zinc and nickel-zinc rechargeable battery chemistries that are coming to market.

But despite the growing portable rechargeable battery market share, tried and true lead-acid battery technology continues to head rechargeable battery sales with a U.S. rechargeable battery market share of 79% in 2008. Current research using carbon based cathodes means that we will see lead acid batteries hold their traditional stronghold markets of automotive, industrial, and telecommunications backup markets.

Ni-MH hybrid vehicle batteries, which accounted for 1.7% of the world rechargeable battery market in 2008, will grow to hold 4.2% of market share by 2013 and will be shared by Ni-MH and lithium-ion batteries. Large scale batteries, particularly sodium sulfur (NaS), will grow from a $235 million per year market to $900 million a year in 2013 on the growth of increased renewable energy power generation.

There are other possibilities on the energy storage horizon such as ultracapacitors and fuel cells. But the reality of the next five years is that rechargeable batteries will continue to be the energy storage system of choice for portable electronics and power tools, as well expand new markets in motor vehicles and large scale renewable energy systems.

Advanced Rechargeable Battery Market: Emerging Technologies and Trends Worldwide contains comprehensive data on the U.S. and world market for storage batteries, including historical (2002-2008) and forecast (2009-2013) market size data. The report identifies key factors driving battery research, trends affecting the marketplace and market growth, and profiles major marketers and consumer demographics.


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