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Home > News > Upsurge in nanotechnology products translates into nanoprofits

October 16th, 2009

Upsurge in nanotechnology products translates into nanoprofits

Michael Cosgrove: Nanotechnology reminds me of the first man on the moon, or the death of Lennon. Many of remember where we were when it happened, and I also remember being more than impressed by the very first demonstration I saw of the future possibilities of nanotechnology, in the form of a short Nokia ad featuring its version of a future nanophone. It seemed like science fiction come true at the time.

Things have changed quickly since then, and past claims of an eco-friendly wonder discovery and dreams of nanoprofits have metamorphosed into enormous potential markets as well as a backlash consisting of an increasing amount of research which points towards potential health and environment risks linked to nanotech products and their development.


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