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Home > Press > Wiley Fosters Engagement with Chinese Research Community through

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (NYSE:JWa) (NYSE:JWb), has launched the Chinese version of its Materials Views website.

Wiley Fosters Engagement with Chinese Research Community through

Beijing | Posted on December 1st, 2009 is a dedicated news service for materials science, chemistry, and physics in Chinese and is a specially tailored companion to the popular English service It will provide high quality original content selected and written by professional editors and will be updated regularly. The website is aimed at Chinese-speaking researchers, scientists, and students in industry and academia across the world.

About one-third of the papers published in some of Wiley's top materials science journals - including Advanced Materials - originate from China. Chinese submissions have been increasing at an exponential rate, and coupled with a very strong Chinese readership of, the Wiley editorial team decided to build a site that would reach the Chinese community in their language. The newly launched site will feature a mix of translated content and original articles from Chinese researchers and scientists.

David Flanagan of said, "The journey we took to build this site has been a truly global one. We based on the site model of the original housed in Europe, while collaborating very closely with our Chinese partners and contributors to localize content as well as to provide in-depth original papers.

Mingxin Hou of added, "Our aim moving forward is to work closely with the research community in China. The launch of the site reflects Wiley's continued commitment to bringing the best of Wiley's material science to China and China's top scientific research to a global audience."

Regular contributor to the site, Professor Limin Qi from Peking University's Department of Chemistry said, "We are thrilled that Wiley has decided to launch the local language version of, and even more excited that this site will feature original content from the Chinese research community. This initiative will be instrumental in providing greater exposure to researchers and scientists in China, hence supporting our strategy of raising the quality of China's research output." will be rolling out new features over the next few months, including fresh content, more in-depth articles, an author services space dedicated to guiding younger authors looking to publish their first paper in an international journal, as well as video capabilities.


About Wiley
Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 400 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace.

Our core businesses publish scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, encyclopedias, books, and online products and services; professional/trade books, subscription products, training materials, and online applications and Web sites; and educational materials for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. Wiley's global headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb.


Materials science is a vast field in which exciting breakthroughs are made every day. is a new service that will help keep you up-to-date on these developments. It provides you with short news articles on highlights selected by the editors of some of the top journals in the field. All areas of materials are covered: From the borders of chemistry and physics to the boundaries of life sciences and engineering, and from basic research to cutting-edge applications. In addition to the news items, Wiley's comprehensive journals and books program in the field of materials science and related topics is presented.

An accompanying print edition of the news items is published in several journals from Wiley's Science program. Journal details: Materials Views, ISSN 1865-7281 (print) and 1865-7273 (online), 12 issues per year, published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Weinheim, Germany.

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Media Contact:
Alina Boey
+65 9656 5580

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