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Home > Press > Proxeon Aims to Boost Productivity in Proteomics Labs - Launches EASY-nLC II for LC-MS

Proxeon announced today the release of the company's second generation instrument, EASY-nLCTM II, optimized for LC-MS applications in proteomics and providing scientists with the opportunity to significantly improve system productivity as a result of a new autosampler and upgraded software.

Proxeon Aims to Boost Productivity in Proteomics Labs - Launches EASY-nLC II for LC-MS

Denmark | Posted on February 9th, 2010

The company's EASY-nLC platform utilizes a so-called 'split-free' configuration to enhance sensitivity, reproducibility and system stability. The success of this approach has been demonstrated by the original EASY-nLC system which is already established as the system of choice for major mass spectrometry suppliers and many prestigious proteomics laboratories.

The EASY-nLC II system continues to offer the unrivalled ease of use and excellent performance of its predecessor, but has been optimized to increase system productivity. The new autosampler features a fully insulated, refrigerated compartment with increased capacity for sample vials and wash-solvents, enabling the system to run unattended for longer than ever before. A novel 'intelligent flow control' feature enables runs to be preprogrammed to user-defined pressure limits, ensuring rapid build-up of pressure and flow, speeding up equilibration and sample loading steps and eliminating the interruptions that can occur due to pressure fluctuations. In addition, the class-leading automated self-diagnostic tests of the EASY-nLC systems have been enhanced to ensure that users spend even less time troubleshooting. For example, the system can now pinpoint the location of solvent leaks.

EASY-nLC II systems are delivered pre-configured to interface and synchronize easily with any MS system and can be installed and running within hours. Wizard-style programming assists with defining optimal running conditions. The system is easily switched between 1- or 2-column configurations and, by using the autosampler as a third pump, can also be used to run two-dimensional mass spectrometry analyses (2D LC-MS), a configuration shown to enable identification of more proteins than conventional approaches.

Mårten Winge, Proxeon's CEO, explained: "Feedback from proteomics scientists working in leading laboratories throughout the world has been, and continues to be, a vital part in shaping our product development plans. Since the first EASY-nLC systems entered the market, we have maintained a philosophy of continuous improvement in hardware and software. The EASY-nLC II system is the culmination of a project in which attention to detail, from the smallest software feature to significant hardware changes, has produced a system that retains the excellent performance of its predecessor while significantly improving overall productivity."


About Proxeon
Proxeon is an established provider of innovative products focused towards the proteomics market. Taking advantage of core internal competencies, Proxeon develops products and solutions that fulfil the need to enhance performance, solve technical challenges, and thereby accelerate the proteomics workflow, from sample preparation through to data interpretation.

Proxeon products are used in leading academic and industrial research laboratories throughout the world. In the field of mass spectrometry, the company's ion sources are used in over 800 laboratories, and Proxeon is one of the world's largest suppliers of nano ES emitters. EASY-nLCTM systems for nanoscale chromatography are the preferred solution for several major MS suppliers and leading proteomics laboratories utilizing LC-MS analysis, while ProteinCenterTM is used increasingly for rapid data interpretation after protein identification by conventional search engines.

Established in 2002, Proxeon is headquartered in Odense, Denmark with direct and distributor sales operations in USA, Europe and Asia.

For more information, please click here

Mårten Winge, M.Sc.,
CEO, Proxeon A/S, Denmark

Tel.: +45 2633 2020
Fax.: +45 6557 2301

Copyright © Proxeon

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