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Home > Press > Bersica Futurewear uses NanoSphere® textile technology

Bersica Futurewear's NanoSphere® is the first finishing textile technology to earn the German-based Hohenstein Institute's First Nanotechnology Quality Label and has been certified with the bluesign® standard

Bersica Futurewear uses NanoSphere® textile technology

Houston, TX | Posted on February 25th, 2010

Bersica Futurewear is a new line of high-performance children's clothing that redefines the meaning of "future" by combining the two things that will give us a better tomorrow - conservation and innovation. Bersica Futurewear is revolutionizing children's clothing by being the first brand of its kind to use nanotechnology, which allows their whole line to be practically stain-proof, water-proof and eco-friendly.

This ground breaking clothing line uses Swiss Schoeller fabric manufactured with NanoSphere® textile technology to create stylish, fun clothes for children that contain no harmful chemicals, are very soft and fully breathable; extremely liquid, stain, oil and dirt repellent; abrasion resistant; highly durable; quick drying; self cleaning; environmentally friendly; and protect children from harmful UV rays. The only product of its kind, this inventive nanotechnology is not a fabric coating, but is applied in a cross linking system that bonds the finish to the fabric at the fiber level. It redesigns the structure of the surface of the fabric to create many tiny "hills" preventing flat surfaces in the material. Therefore, water, stains and oils cannot adhere to the fabric and simply run off or can be easily rinsed away. The fabric feels ultra-smooth due to the people and planet friendly nanotechnology that bio-mimics the non-stick and self-cleaning process of certain plants or insects.

Conceived with a desire to innovate, change, and impact our world, Bersica Futurewear is building a true company of the future - a company whose core philosophy is embedded in focusing on intriguing and creating a new generation of children to be environmentally conscious and aware of preserving our planet's wildlife. Bersica Futurewear wanted to design environmentally friendly and unique clothes that use innovation to create a new experience for people, give back, and teach our children how they can help conserve our planet and its creatures - one child at a time, one cause at a time and one product at a time. They believe that our future is dependent on our actions of today and this is why they have partnered with the Houston Zoo, to help fund wildlife and planet conservation projects all over the world. Bersica Futurewear wants their brand to be symbolic of helping and saving our environment and wildlife while building a better future and educating our children.

Bersica Futurewear's NanoSphere® is the first finishing textile technology to earn the German-based Hohenstein Institute's First Nanotechnology Quality Label and has been certified with the bluesign® standard, which guarantees the highest possible exclusion of substances that are harmful to humans and the environment while promoting the economical use of resources in manufacturing.

Bersica Futurewear meets all standards of the Consumer Safety Act. Additionally, since Bersica Futurewear is treated with NanoSphere® their clothing requires less frequent washing, less detergent, can be washed at lower temperatures and air dried, thus conserving water, electricity and carbon dioxide. This protects the environment and the fabric.


About Bersica Futurewear
Bersica Futurewear is the first line of high-performance children's clothing that redefines the meaning of "future" by combining the two things that will give us a better tomorrow-conservation and innovation. Bersica Futurewear is revolutionizing children's clothing as the first brand of its kind to use textile nanotechnology, creating an entire line of virtually stain-proof, water-proof and eco-friendly activewear.

For more information, please click here

Adriana M. Berlanga
711 E. 20th Street
Houston, TX 77008

Copyright © Bersica Futurewear

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