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Home > Press > Houston Technology Center Hosts 5th Venture Capital Conference on Emerging Energy Technologies

40 Emerging Energy Start-ups Offer Solutions to Critical Challenges

Houston Technology Center Hosts 5th Venture Capital Conference on Emerging Energy Technologies

Houston, TX | Posted on March 2nd, 2010

With the energy industry facing critical challenges to enhance production from conventional, unconventional and renewable sources, the impetus and opportunities for new technology and entrepreneurship have never been greater.

The 5th Annual Energy Technology Venture Capital Conference, organized by Houston Technology Center (HTC), will address these challenges with presentations by 40 emerging energy start-up companies—each with compelling business, technology, and investment opportunities.

A rigorous screening process identified these disruptive technology companies who have demonstrated the highest potential for success, including technologies for oil, natural gas, solar, hydro, wind, biofuels, upstream, and downstream. Each company will share its story, as well as insight into its most significant advantages.

"Houston's increasing presence as a center for energy entrepreneurship is amply demonstrated by the significant number of Houston companies showcasing their breakthrough technologies this year," said Walter Ulrich, President and CEO of HTC.

Keynotes on energy trends will be presented by industry leaders Melody Meyer, President, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Derek Mathieson, President, Baker Hughes Technology and Product Lines; and Neil Suslak, Managing Partner, Braemar Energy Ventures.

An audience of 500, including more than 100 venture capitalists, private equity and corporate investors, angel investors and related financial professionals, is expected to attend the event, known for its exceptional networking opportunities for energy investors and energy technology companies.

The Energy Technology Venture Capital Conference is scheduled for Thursday, March 4, 2010, from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Hilton Americas-Houston.


About Houston Technology Center
Houston Technology Center (HTC), a business accelerator and the largest technology business incubator in Texas, accelerates the commercialization of emerging technology companies in the Greater Houston area. A 501(C)(3)non-profit organization, HTC assists Houston-based entrepreneurs within several key sectors: Energy, Information Technology, Life Sciences, Nanotechnology and NASA/Aerospace technologies, by providing in-depth business guidance, access to capital and service providers, and entrepreneurial education. HTC is supported by 300 professional firms, corporations and organizations, as well as Houston's leading academic institutions, the Greater Houston Partnership, Texas Medical Center, Johnson Space Center and the city of Houston. For more information, visit

For more information, please click here

Media Contacts:
Maryanne Barker
Houston Technology Center

(832) 476-9278

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