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New eLearning courses from Malvern Instruments

Light scattering illuminated

Malvern, UK | Posted on May 19th, 2010

Malvern Instruments has introduced a comprehensive eLearning course that details light scattering for materials characterization using the company's Zetasizer Nano system. Course modules introduce dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering techniques as well as sample preparation, instrument configuration and how to set up standard operating procedures (SOPs). The new eLearning courses are a further addition to Malvern's extensive and highly regarded education and training portfolio.

Two course admissions are being offered free of charge with every Zetasizer Nano purchased. Providing a convenient alternative to traditional face-to-face training courses these allow the system operator to work at their own pace and at a time of their choosing. To enable the course attendee to monitor their progress there is a test section at the end of each module. Additional places can be purchased as and when required and are ideal for rapidly introducing new users
to the system.

Malvern has a long track record in providing high quality education and support for a wide range of materials characterization techniques and applications. An early pioneer in delivering web-based seminars and courses, Malvern has also built a vast electronic ‘knowledge base' housing freely accessible materials including application notes, white papers, case studies, published articles and on-demand presentations.

For further information on Malvern's complete range of e-learning courses, visit:

Malvern, Malvern Instruments and Zetasizer are registered trademarks of Malvern Instruments Ltd


About Malvern Instruments
Malvern Instruments is a market leader in measuring performance controlling material properties. These include particle size, particle shape, zeta potential, molecular weight, size and conformation, rheological properties and chemical distribution. Malvern delivers the systems, support and expertise that ensure the analytical rigor and productivity needed to drive research, development and manufacturing.

Malvern’s measurement solutions for scientists, technologists and engineers advance continually through customer collaboration. Complementary materials characterization systems deliver inter-related measurements that reflect the complexities of particulates and disperse systems, nanomaterials and macromolecules. Combining intelligently implemented technologies with in-depth industry applications knowledge and support, Malvern provides customers with
the competitive advantage they demand.

Headquartered in Malvern, UK, Malvern Instruments has subsidiary organizations in all major European markets, North America, China, Korea and Japan, a joint venture in India, a global distributor network and applications laboratories around the world.

For more information, please click here

Trish Appleton
Kapler Communications
Knowledge Centre
Wyboston Lakes
Great North Road
MK44 3BY
Tel: +44 (0)1480 479280
Fax: +44 (0)1480 470343

USA contact:

Marisa Fraser
Malvern Instruments Inc.
117 Flanders Road
MA 01581-1042
Tel: +1 508 768 6400
Fax: +1 508 768 6403

Please send sales enquiries to:

Alison Vines
Malvern Instruments Ltd
Enigma Business Park
Grovewood Road
WR14 1XZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1684 892456
Fax: +44 (0) 1684 892789

Copyright © Malvern Instruments

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