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Home > Press > PANalytical brings advanced XRF standardless analysis to the benchtop

PANalytical has extended the compatibility of its Omnian advanced standardless analysis software to
now include the compact benchtop MiniPal 4 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. This combination offers a premium XRF solution that is both easy to use and extremely powerful. It is ideal for routine lab and field analysis, offering quantification of unknowns in situations
where certified standards are not available.

PANalytical brings advanced XRF standardless analysis to the benchtop

Almelo, the Netherlands | Posted on May 21st, 2010

Ready for any sample type, Omnian provides elemental analysis of all materials no matter how they have been prepared. Typical applications include rapid screening, comparative analysis and R&D investigations. In the default ‘black box' mode, Omnian provides fast answers for industries such as: healthcare, pharmaceutical, food, environmental, oil, minerals and mining. Unlike traditional standardless approaches, Omnian data is both comprehensive and available for detailed review.

Incorporating cutting-edge technology, Omnian achieves superior accuracy, setting the benchmark for standardless analysis. This is achieved through the automatic use of PANalytical's advanced Fundamental Parameters (FP) algorithm which deals with the analytical challenges posed by differing sample types. Other innovations include the support of multiple excitation conditions and the inclusion of several unique features. Fluorescence Volume Geometry (FVG) and Finite Thickness (FT) corrections, for example, improve accuracy when analyzing heavier elements in low density samples or samples with varying thicknesses. In addition, Adaptive Sample Characterization
(ASC) minimizes particle size and mineralogical effects. This results in greater accuracy approaching the quality only achievable with dedicated calibration methods and standards.

For further information about how Omnian can help you meet your analytical challenges, visit:


About PANalytical
PANalytical is the world’s leading supplier of analytical instrumentation and software for X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), with more than half a century of experience. The materials characterization equipment is used for scientific research and development, for industrial process control applications and for semiconductor metrology.

PANalytical, founded in 1948 as part of Philips, employs around 900 people worldwide. Its headquarters are in Almelo, the Netherlands.

Fully equipped application laboratories are established in Japan, China, the USA, and the Netherlands. PANalytical’s research activities are based in Almelo (NL) and on the campus of the University of Sussex in Brighton (UK). Supply and competence centers are located on two sites in the Netherlands: Almelo (development and production of X-ray instruments) and Eindhoven (development and production of X-ray tubes). A sales and service network in more than 60 countries ensures unrivalled levels of customer support.

The company is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001.

The product portfolio includes a broad range of XRD and XRF systems and software widely used for the analysis and materials characterization of products such as cement, metals and steel, nanomaterials, plastics, polymers and petrochemicals, industrial minerals, glass, catalysts, semiconductors, thin films and advanced materials, pharmaceutical solids, recycled materials and environmental samples.

Visit our website at for more information about our activities.

PANalytical is part of Spectris plc.

For press information, please contact

Richard Kent, Kapler Communications

Knowledge Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3BY UK

T: +44 (0) 1480 479280; F: +44 (0) 1480 470343

For more press and product information:

PANalytical, Branding and Communications Dept.

T: +31 (0) 546 534444; F: +31 (0) 546 534592

Copyright © PANalytical

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