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Home > Press > NanoSight reports 100th third party peer reviewed paper is published; NTA is now firmly established worldwide

Bob Carr, Founder & CTO, NanoSight
Bob Carr, Founder & CTO, NanoSight

NanoSight, world-leading manufacturers of unique nanoparticle characterization technology, announces that more than 100 third party publications citing the use of their nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) technology are now available in print.

NanoSight reports 100th third party peer reviewed paper is published; NTA is now firmly established worldwide

Salisbury, UK | Posted on May 25th, 2010

In less than five years since NanoSight has been supplying instrumentation to laboratories around the world, a new milestone has been reached: the publication of the 100th review paper citing NTA technology. The 100th paper was published in volume seven of the journal Environmental Chemistry and came from the group of Professor Martin Hasselöv at the University of Gothenburg: "Measurements of nanoparticle number concentrations and size distributions in contrasting aquatic environments using nanoparticle tracking analysis," Environmental Chemistry 7(1) 67-81.

NanoSight was founded by its technical director, Dr Bob Carr, one of the world's most "exceptionally innovative scientists and one of the best lateral thinkers I've ever met." These words come from Professor Tony Atkinson, Chairman of Morvus Technologies and Director of a number of leading technology companies including Fusion IP plc and TMO Renewables Limited.

Atkinson considers the growth of NanoSight as quite a remarkable story. "To have more than 100 papers published since the introduction of the technique demonstrates a significant degree of success around the world. I am glad that my belief in the technology at the early investment stages has been proved correct. Bob's exceptional breadth of scientific knowledge across many disciplines is unusual and it is this that has enabled him to take an initial experimental observation and turn it into an instrument that answers so many characterization questions on the nanoscale."

Professor John Rarity, head of the Photonics Group at the University of Bristol has seen Bob Carr change from a biologist to biophysicist and engineer as he learned about light scattering techniques. "I have been amazed at Bob's flexibility to take on new ideas to lead his company forward and cross the gap from invention to securing NTA as an accepted nanoparticle characterization technique."

The complete list of papers is posted on the NanoSight web site where visitors may also learn more about nanoparticle characterization using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, NTA. Please visit he company's website ( and register for the latest issue of NanoTrail, the company's electronic newsletter.


About NanoSight
NanoSight Limited, of Salisbury, UK, provides unique nanoparticle characterization technology. “Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis” (NTA) detects and visualizes populations of nanoparticles in liquids down to 10nm (material dependent) and measures the size of each particle from direct observations of diffusion. This particle-by-particle methodology goes beyond traditional light scattering techniques such as Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), or Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS), in providing high-resolution particle size distributions. Additionally NanoSight measures concentration and validates all data with video of particles moving under Brownian motion.

This characterization information is highly informative in understanding the more complex suspensions in biological systems, hence its wide application in development of drug delivery systems, viral vaccines, the study of toxicology of nanoparticles and their environmental fate and in biomarker detection. This real-time data also provides insight into the kinetics of protein aggregation and other time-dependent phenomena in a quantitative manner, at deeply sub-micron sizes.

NanoSight has more than 250 systems installed worldwide with users including BASF, BP, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, 3M Corp., Roche, Solvay and Unilever together with many universities and research institutes. There are currently 100+ third party papers citing NanoSight results, with this reference base growing very rapidly as NanoSight consolidates its key contribution to nanoparticle characterization. For more information, visit

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For further information, please contact:
Jezz Leckenby
+44 (0) 1799 521881

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