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Home > Press > Graphene Laboratories Inc. and CVD Equipment Corporation Sign Exclusive Distribution Agreement for CVD Graphene Products

CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ: CVV), announced today the signing of an exclusive Distribution Agreement with Graphene Laboratories, Inc. for Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) Graphene products. Under this Agreement CVD Equipment Corporation will manufacture CVD grown Graphene based materials and products and Graphene Laboratories, Inc. will market and sell them on a worldwide basis.

Graphene Laboratories Inc. and CVD Equipment Corporation Sign Exclusive Distribution Agreement for CVD Graphene Products

Ronkonkoma, NY | Posted on May 31st, 2010

CVD's Equipment Corporation's Application Laboratory provides process development and material growth services for a wide range of advanced nanomaterials, i.e. Carbon Nanotubes, Silicon and other Nanowires, CVD Graphene, Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) materials and other CVD processes. It hosts a range of CVD research and production equipment that will be utilized for CVD Graphene production.

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial carbon film that is only a few atoms thick and possesses unparalleled electrical and mechanical properties as well as supreme stability and durability. CVD grown Graphene is projected to be used for production of Graphene-based electronics, sensors, MEMS, solar batteries, etc. Some of the CVD Graphene products sold by Graphene Laboratories Inc. will be marked with one or more trademarks from CVD Equipment Corporation, such as nMEMStarter™, nFoil™, and CVDGraphene™.

"The ability to mass produce CVD Graphene is a key milestone for Graphene commercialization," said Dr. Elena Polyakova, CEO of Graphene Laboratories, Inc. "Currently, the progress in development of Graphene-based commercial products is largely stalled by a lack of supply of high-quality wafer-size Graphene films. CVD grown Graphene is well positioned to address this market demand. We anticipate strong interest from academic and industrial customers in our CVD Graphene products and this is an extremely important partnership for our Company. By selecting CVD Equipment Corporation as our partner, we will be able to expand our Graphene based product offerings and greatly advance the development of various Graphene enabled products."

"CVD Equipment Corporation is focusing on enabling the commercialization of tomorrow's technologies," says Karlheinz Strobl, VP of Business Development of CVD Equipment Corporation. "By leveraging the process development and manufacturing capabilities of our Application Laboratory and by collaborating with Graphene Laboratories Inc. on CVD Graphene based product developments, we believe we can shorten the time to market for a range of already existing and future nano enabled products. Together, we are able to offer and ship a growing array of CVD Graphene products. Our initial product variety has already been supplied to our first customers.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release by CVD Equipment Corporation ("CVDEC") as well as information included in oral or other written statements made or to be made by CVDEC, contains statements that are forward-looking. All statements other than statements of historical fact are hereby identified as "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward looking information involves a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed or anticipated by management. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among other factors, industry specific and general business conditions, competitive market conditions, success of CVDEC's growth and sales strategies, possible customer changes in delivery schedules, cancellation of orders, delays in product shipments, delays in obtaining parts from suppliers, failure to satisfy customer acceptance requirements and other risk factors described in CVDEC's SEC filings. All forward-looking statements are based on management's estimates, projections and assumptions as of the date hereof and CVDEC assumes no obligation to update this press release.


About CVD Equipment Corporation
CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ: CVV) is a designer and manufacturer of standard and custom state-of-the-art equipment used in the development, design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, materials and coatings for research and industrial applications. It offers a broad range of chemical vapor deposition, gas control, and other equipment that is used by customers to research, design and manufacture semiconductors, solar cells, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, industrial coatings and equipment for surface mounting of components onto printed circuit boards. It also operates an Application Laboratory, which develops and manufactures a range of nano and CVD based materials and develops related processes and manufacturing solutions.

About Graphene Laboratories
Graphene Laboratories, Inc. ( is a spinout of Columbia University, a leading center for Graphene studies. The primary goal of Graphene Laboratories, Inc., located in the heart of Boston’s high-tech area, is to apply fundamental science and technology to bring functional Graphene materials and devices to market. The Company was founded by a group of experts in the field of nanomaterials, who possess extensive experience in characterization of structural and electronic properties of Graphene and deep fundamental and practical knowledge of processing Graphene-based materials. Graphene Laboratories Inc. also operates the Graphene SupermarketTM website facilitating the marketing and sales of Graphene products to customers around the globe.

To order CVD Graphene products or discuss your application visit our Graphene SupermarketTM:

For more information, please click here

Graphene Laboratories, Inc.
Elena Polyakova

CVD Equipment Corporation
Investor Relations
Fax: (631) 981-7095

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