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Home > Press > JPK Instruments, the pioneers of BioAFM, launch the NanoWizard®3 BioScience AFM

JPK NanoWizard®3 Bioscience AFM With Zeiss AxioObserver RX
JPK NanoWizard®3 Bioscience AFM With Zeiss AxioObserver RX

JPK Instruments, a world-leading manufacturer of nanoanalytic instrumentation for research in life sciences and soft matter, is pleased to select MicroScience 2010 to announce the launch of their third generation, dedicated BioAFM system, the NanoWizard®3 BioScience AFM.

JPK Instruments, the pioneers of BioAFM, launch the NanoWizard®3 BioScience AFM

Berlin | Posted on June 29th, 2010

Building relationships with the SPM community and collaborating with users worldwide has enabled JPK to develop powerful and flexible systems. Upgradeability guarantees a safe investment for users and an international team of experienced scientists and developers takes care of service and support.

The core of the new system is HyperDrive™, a SuperResolution™ AFM fluid imaging technique. With extremely low tip-sample interactions, samples are never damaged. It is available with the NanoWizard® 3 AFM head and the new Vortis™ high bandwidth, low noise control electronics. The system is extremely stable to drift and has the ability to detect the smallest cantilever deflections enabling some of the most stunning images ever produced in a commercial system.

The NanoWizard®3 BioScience system design provides the highest AFM performance in liquids and air, integrated with optical microscopy. It comes with outstanding physical and optical access to the sample from front and side, even when head and condenser are in place. The tip-scanning head equipped with a flexure scanner gives highest flexibility for a large variety of different samples.

DirectOverlay™ has set the standard for the way AFM and optical microscopy should be combined to provide complementary information from the sample. Additionally, techniques such as epi-fluorescence, confocal laser scanning microscopy, TIRF, FRET, FCS, FLIM, FRAP, STORM, PALM, STED, spinning disc, etc., give insight about the behavior or location of particular sample features. It is now possible to combine AFM imaging AND force measurements with these optical methods on the same spot at the same time on a routine basis.

The advanced AFM head and new software modes raise the standard of force spectroscopy measurements with NanoWizard®3. The force RampDesigner™ can be used to create custom force curves while the whole experiment and environment can be controlled through the ExperimentPlanner™ interface. This allows convenient and customized force mapping and force ramp/clamp experiments.

JPK develops, engineers and manufactures instrumentation in Germany to the world-recognised standards of German precision engineering, quality and functionality. The company has a simple philosophy. As CTO, Torsten Jähnke, says - "we have always designed our instrumentation after first listening to users and their challenges. Delivering successful answers for us means no compromises between usability and handling on one side and highest performance on the other side."

For further details of the NanoWizard®3 and its many applications, please visit the JPK web site (


About JPK Instruments
JPK Instruments AG is a world-leading manufacturer of nanoanalytic instruments - particularly atomic force microscope (AFM) systems and optical tweezers - for a broad range of applications reaching from soft matter physics to nano-optics, from surface chemistry to cell and molecular biology. JPK was recognized as Germany’s fastest growing nanotechnology company in 2007 and 2008 (Deloitte). From its earliest days applying atomic force microscope (AFM) technology, JPK has recognized the opportunities provided by nanotechnology for transforming life sciences and soft matter research. This focus has driven JPK’s success in uniting the worlds of nanotechnology tools and life science applications by offering cutting-edge technology and unique applications expertise. Headquartered in Berlin and with direct operations in Dresden, Cambridge (UK) and Singapore, JPK maintains a global network of distributors and support centers and provides on the spot applications and service support to an ever-growing community of researchers.

For further information, please contact JPK direct or their marketing partners, NetDyaLog, who will also provide high resolution images for your use.

For more information, please click here

Jezz Leckenby - NetDyaLog Limited
T: +44 (0) 1799 521881 - M: +44 (0) 7843 012997

Petra Dammermann - JPK Instruments
T: +49 (0) 30 5331 12541

Copyright © JPK Instruments

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