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A new small and totally discrete underarm clothing tag which uses nano technology to capture, store and eliminate the molecules responsible for body odour (BO) has been launched as the ultimate antidote to today's hectic lifestyles which see millions unsatisfied with the use of deodorants alone.

New Nano technology solution to an age old problem

Shropshire, UK | Posted on October 1st, 2010

The breakthrough invention will come as a huge relief to those who work long hours or are ‘on the go' until late in the day, particularly at this time of year. If you don't like the thought of always painting or spraying on chemicals that are absorbed into your armpits then Odegon Tags are ideal for you. Designed and produced by technical fabric innovators, Odegon (for "odour, gone") Technologies, the antisocial odour resulting from human sweat is eliminated via a small and discrete fabric patch housing a piece of activated nano porous special material. The soft, chemical-free, odourless, inert, non-allergenic and environmentally-friendly tags are either ironed or sewn on easily at home and remain permanently in place for the life of the garment where they perform regardless of the number of washes or dry cleans. Once applied you don't even know they are there as they just seem to merge into the garment.

The tags are on sale via the Odegon website (

"Odegon Tags were discovered whilst formulating new materials for special filters to protect military personnel from lethal nerve gases and agents," explains Odegon Technologies' Tom Rawlings. "We were right to assume that if the material met the most demanding tests ever devised against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) suit requirements, it would be able to tackle BO. We understand that deodorant products may not be keeping up with today's active lifestyles and that there is consumer reluctance to throw more chemicals at the problem. We anticipate consumers will apply Odegon Tags to a core set of garments within their wardrobes these are the clothes, that people find tend to smell even after washing.."


About Odegon Ltd
Odegon Technologies was founded in 2010 by Steve and Tom Rawlings. Chairman Steve Rawlings spent over 35 years running companies involved in the development of technical protective fabrics for the defence, North Sea diving, aerospace and automotive industries. Tom Rawlings, Managing Director, worked until recently as a corporate banker in the City of London and launched Odegon Technologies upon realising the enormous business potential of Odegon tags. Odegon Technologies is based in Shropshire, UK and is developing further products.

For more information, please click here

Steve Rawlings
Phone: 44 1952 883470

Copyright © Odegon Ltd

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