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Daimer® ships a green Ultra-Power™ Super Duty Degreaser that removes gunk, grease and petro-residues without noxious solvents

New Natural Degreaser Uses Sustainable, Safe Ingredients

Woburn, MA | Posted on October 12th, 2010

Daimer Industries Inc.®, established globally for its natural degreaser preparations, is shipping an Eco-Green® brand version of its Ultra-Power™ Super Duty Degreaser. The new solution applies nano-formulated compounds to address tough cleaning jobs.

"Eco-Green® chemical engineers created this natural degreaser for a variety of petroleum cleaning problems often faced in service stations, manufacturing shop floors, parking areas and auto detailing operations," explained natural products spokesman Matthew Baratta. "We consider this one of the most complete, degreasing products in the industry."

Biodegradable Natural Degreaser

The new preparation uses Eco-Green®'s sustainable bio-based chemical technology. The technology has been laboratory verified to be non-dangerous to the earth, humans, and pets. The natural degreaser is made without ozone-affecting solvents, noxious VOCs, or hazardous additives.

The all-natural degreasing formula has been designed to biodegrade in about half the time of competing preparations. Similar to other Eco-Green® formulations, the new product delivered perfect zero scores in each of the NFPA's hazard categories.

Daimer®'s new Eco-Green® natural degreaser employs a proprietary Micro-Blasting® micro-chemical design that pierces petroleum bonds to dissolve gunk without carcinogenic solvent compounds. The degreasing preparation was created for applications on myriad typical and atypical surfaces.

The natural chemical is offered in different sizes for different needs and budgets. Additionally, the formulation comes super-concentrated, so a gallon will dilute to more than 20 gallons of finished natural degreaser.

Green Chemicals, Other Applications

Daimer® sells a range of Eco-Green® branded earth-safe preparations for users and chemical resellers. The products include: grout sealers for contractors, parts washers for chemical exporters and super concentrated preparations for chemical industry companies.

For more information about Daimer®'s Eco Green natural degreaser chemicals, floor scrubber systems and other products, visit or call Matthew Baratta at (888) 507-2220.


About Daimer Industries
Daimer®,, is a major supplier and worldwide exporter of the cleaning industry's leading line of KleenJet® steam cleaners/vapor steam cleaners/steam cleaning equipment; Super Max™ commercial and industrial pressure washers, including cold water, hot water, and steam pressure washing machines; XTreme Power® floor cleaners, including carpet cleaners, hard surface cleaners, and floor buffers/scrubbers/burnishers; and the line of Micro-Blasting® Eco-Green® environmentally friendly cleaning products that employ unique technologies and a patented, proprietary chemistry.

For more information, please click here

Matthew Baratta
Daimer Industries, Inc
16 Tower Office Park
Woburn, MA 01801

(888) 507-2220

Copyright © Daimer Industries

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