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Home > News > The big nano debate: Can nanotechnology eradicate diseases and will the benefits of the technology outweigh any potential hazards? Janet Murray reports from a school in Glasgow where pupils, parents and experts discussed such vital questions

March 31st, 2012

The big nano debate: Can nanotechnology eradicate diseases and will the benefits of the technology outweigh any potential hazards? Janet Murray reports from a school in Glasgow where pupils, parents and experts discussed such vital questions

There is little doubt that, in decades to come, nanotechnology could play a revolutionary role in almost every aspect of our daily lives - from healthcare to heating our homes. Young people today will be the generation most affected by the technology as it becomes ever-more prevalent, and so it is vital they understand the implications of nanotechnology and are aware of its possible uses. But what are the potential dangers involved with these new technologies? Are they open to abuse or misuse? And do the benefits outweigh the risks?


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