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Home > News > Nanotechnology and the Environment: Enemies or Allies? Technoprogressives need to align themselves with environmentalists who respect human aspirations

July 29th, 2012

Nanotechnology and the Environment: Enemies or Allies? Technoprogressives need to align themselves with environmentalists who respect human aspirations

On 18 October 2011 the environmental NGO Greenpeace issued a press release welcoming a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), ruling that cells derived from human embryos could not be patented, on the grounds (according to Greenpeace's press release) that patents on such cells "would encourage the commercialization of human embryos". The ECJ, which plays a role within the European Union that is loosely analogous to the US Supreme Court, had become involved because a court in Germany, where Greenpeace had brought the case to challenge a patent application there, had referred the case since it involved questions regarding the interpretation of EU law.


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