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Home > Press > Protecting and decorating the world: Ceresana analyzes the global paints and varnishes market

Paints and varnishes do not merely fulfill aesthetical tasks through their visual appearance, but also have protective properties important to many products. Wind power stations, container-vessels or oil rigs at sea would only last a short time if exposed to natural forces without protective coating.

Protecting and decorating the world: Ceresana analyzes the global paints and varnishes market

Konstanz, Germany | Posted on November 8th, 2012

Strong recovery after years of crisis

Due to multiple requirements in many applications, the development of the market for paints and varnishes is highly dependent on macroeconomic development. Thus, the market was not spared by the global economic crisis in 2008/09, but since then was able to recover at above-average rates. In addition to increasing consumption in industrial processes, prospering construction sectors in many emerging and developing countries are supporting the increase of demand. Also, the growing world population is in need of new housing space and an improved infrastructure.

Changes on the world market

Market researchers at Ceresana expect that Asia-Pacific will continue to expand its leading position on the world market within the next eight years. Already now about a third of global revenues are generated in this region.

A rise in demand and increasing application possibilities for multifunctional paints and varnishes are indicating a positive demand development. "Global demand is likely to reach a level of about 48 million tonnes in 2019 and to continue development at accelerated growth rates in comparison to the previous eight years", forecasts Oliver Kutsch, CEO of Ceresana.

Solvent-free products on the rise

In 2011, more than half of paints and varnishes processed worldwide were water-based. Consumption volume is likely to increase during the next eight years, as more and more solvent-based paints and varnishes are replaced by other technologies. Many manufacturers develop solvent-free and environmentally-friendly paints and varnishes that are, for example, suitable for steel containers or internal coatings. This allows reducing environmental pollution by VOC emissions. This development is further fuelled by legal requirements and a heightened environmental consciousness on the part of the consumers.

New technologies and innovative properties

The system solutions offered in production processes render an equivalent utilization of water-based products possible. Powder coatings and radiation-cured coatings are resource- and energy-saving alternative product types that contribute to the sustainable development of this industrial branch.

In addition to more environmentally friendly products, many companies are also developing other product solutions. Apart from their decorative and protective properties, paints and varnishes are expected to fulfill additional requirements. So called smart coatings are contributing to heat insulation, are self-cleaning, antibacterial or able to repair smaller defects in paint work. Research and development are making increased used of material relying on nanotechnology.

The Study in Brief:

Chapter 1 offers a concise overview over the most important types of paints and varnishes and provides information on their basic properties, components, processing technologies, application areas, influences on the environment and the legal situation.

Chapter 2 provides a presentation and analysis of the paints and varnishes market - including forecasts up to 2019: Demand and revenues per product type are given for each world region.

In chapter 3, revenues generated with paints and varnishes, the production as well as the consumption in construction sector, transportation industry, wood processing, industrial processing and other fields of application are analyzed in detail for 14 individual countries.
Chapter 4 examines the application areas for paints and varnishes in detail: data on demand development, split by the seven world regions Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.

Chapter 5 analyzes the demand for individual types of paints and varnishes, such as products based on water or solvents, powder coatings of radiation-cured coatings. Demand is clearly arranged for each of the 14 analyzed countries and all world regions.

Chapter 6 provides profiles of the largest paints and varnishes manufacturers - clearly arranged according to contact details, turnover, profit, product range, production sites, profile summary, application areas and product types. Detailed profiles are provided for 96 producers, such as Akzo Nobel N.V., BASF Coatings GmbH, Kansai Paint Co., Ltd., KCC Corp., Masco Corporation, Nippon Paint Co., Ltd., PPG Industries, RPM International Inc., Sacal International Group Ltd., Sika AG, The Sherwin-Williams Company, and Valspar Corp.


About Ceresana
Ceresana is the most trusted market research institution for the industrial sector. More than 1,000 companies from 55 countries already profit from the reliable market research - both in operational as well as strategic decisions.

The expert team provides reliable and comprehensive market analyses and forecasts, which help customers to compete the best in their market segment.

Ceresana offers multi-client reports as well as single-client studies, tailored to your specific business. Highest quality services will help you to increase revenues, reduce risks, and strengthen your market position.

The Ceresana analysts are specialized in the following business areas: Chemicals, plastics, additives, raw material, industrial goods, consumer goods, packaging, and construction materials.

For more information, please click here

Technologiezentrum, Blarerstr. 56
78462 Konstanz, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 7531 94293 12
Fax: +49 7531 94293 27
Press Contact:
Sandra Schulze, B.A.

Copyright © Ceresana

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