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Home > Press > Oxford Instruments announces winner of the 2015 Sir Martin Wood Prize for leading young Japanese researchers

Dr Takuya Satoh awarded the Sir Martin Wood Prize by the British Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Tim Hitchins
Dr Takuya Satoh awarded the Sir Martin Wood Prize by the British Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Tim Hitchins

Oxford Instruments is delighted to announce Dr Takuya Satoh, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science of Kyushu University as the winner of the 2015 Sir Martin Wood Prize. Dr Satoh was awarded the prize for his work involving the generation and control of magnetic excitations by polarised light in anti-ferromagnets and ferrimagnets.

Oxford Instruments announces winner of the 2015 Sir Martin Wood Prize for leading young Japanese researchers

Abingdon, UK | Posted on November 20th, 2015

Dr Satoh was awarded with the medal, certificate and a total cash prize of ¥500,000 at the British Embassy in Tokyo by Mr. Tim Hitchens, the British Ambassador on Wednesday, 11th November 2015. He also delivered a lecture presenting his work at the 2015 Millennium Science Forum held at the Embassy, organised by Oxford Instruments and chaired by Professor Noboru Miura of Tokyo University. Among the guest speakers at the event were Professor Masaki Takata from Tohoku University and Professor Kevin O’Grady from the University of York.

"It truly is an honour to be the recipient of this prestigious prize and I am grateful to Oxford Instruments and the Sir Martin Wood Prize Committee for recognising my work", commented the winner.

The Millennium Science Forum was established in 1998 to promote scientific exchange between Britain and Japan and award the Sir Martin Wood Prize to a young researcher from a Japanese University or research institute who has performed outstanding research in the area of condensed matter science. The prize is named after Sir Martin Wood, Founder and Honorary President of Oxford Instruments plc.
Recent winners of the Sir Martin Wood Prize for Japan include –

Dr Masamitsu Hayashi of NIMS (2014)

Dr Naoya Shibata, the University of Tokyo (2013)

Dr Daichi Chiba, Kyoto University (2012)

The Sir Martin Wood Prize selection committee consists of eight senior professors from Japanese Universities and is chaired by Professor Hidetoshi Fukuyama from Tokyo University of Science.
The Sir Martin Wood Prize winner receives ¥500,000 in cash and the opportunity to give a series of lectures in British Universities, including the University of Oxford.

Further details of the Sir Martin Wood Prize and nomination procedures can be obtained from the Secretariat at or email to .

More information on all the Science Prizes sponsored by Oxford Instruments can be found at:


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Oxford Instruments NanoScience designs, supplies and supports market-leading research tools that enable quantum technologies, new materials and device development in the physical sciences. Our tools support research down to the atomic scale through creation of high performance, cryogen free low temperature and magnetic environments, based upon our core technologies in low and ultra low temperatures, high magnetic fields and system integration, with ever-increasing levels of experimental and measurement readiness. Oxford Instruments NanoScience is a part of the Oxford Instruments plc group.

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Soma Deshprabhu
Marketing Communications Manager
Oxford Instruments NanoScience
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