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Veeco Launches SPM Probes e-Commerce Store

Santa Barbara, CA, October 8, 2002

Veeco Metrology Group has announced the launch of the world's first scanning probe microscope (SPM) probes e-commerce site at The new on-line store offers over 200 scanning probes and related products. The site also features the latest e-commerce technology, including ease of use, full search functionality, immediate acknowledgement of orders, and secure credit card, purchase order, and check payment options.

"The creation of a fast and convenient way to select and purchase probes is long overdue," says Don Kania, president of Veeco Metrology Group. "We are delighted that we can support the industry by offering such a complete on-line collection of probes. Now, customers all over the world can replace their probes within a couple of days."

Available probe-technology products run the full scanning probe microscopy range, from high-aspect-ratio and NSOM probes to force calibration cantilevers and tip-storage accessory kits. After setting up password-protected accounts, users of the site can easily navigate available products through icon-driven windows and, within seconds, purchase the appropriate probes for their systems and applications.

Veeco Instruments Inc. is a worldwide leader in metrology tools and process equipment for the semiconductor, data storage, telecommunications/wireless, and scientific/research markets. Manufacturing and engineering facilities are located in New York, California, Colorado, and Arizona. Global sales and service offices are located throughout the United States, Europe, Japan and Asia Pacific. Additional information on Veeco can be found at http//

Mary McKeown-Christie
Marketing Communications Manager
Veeco Metrology Group
112 Robin Hill Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Tel 805-967-2700, ext.2295 or 800-873-9750
Fax 805-967-7717

Reprinted with premission. Copyright Veeco.

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