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Home > Nanotechnology Art Gallery

Nanotechnology Art Gallery

Last Updated: Thursday, 23-Feb-2017 06:13:00 PST

Click on Artist's name to see their work. Images are © respective artist, university, or company. You must get permission from each source prior to using any of these images (Nanotechnology Now cannot grant permission).

If you are an artist who does work related to nanotechnology, we have an interface which enables you to display your work on our site, free of charge. Contact us for information.

If you have another favorite, please Contact us.


Pacific Nanotechnology
Pacific Nanotechnology
Cambridge University -  Crystal Kaleidoscope
Cambridge University
ScienceGL - 2D electrons under Quantum Hall effect
Christian Orfescu - Power
Cris Orfescu
Weiss Group - Molecular Rulers
Weiss Group
John Burch - Desktop Factory
John Burch
LiftPort Group, Inc., Space Elevator - Platform, Lifter, and Counterweight
LiftPort Group, Inc.
Damian Gregory Allis - Crimp junctions for perpendicular carbon nanotube scaffolding
Damian Gregory Allis
Ghim Wei Ho & Prof. Mark Welland - Nano flower bouquet
Ghim Wei Ho
Tim Fonseca
Tim Fonseca
Phlesch Bubble Prods
Phlesch Bubble Prods
Erik Viktor
Erik Viktor
Philippe Van Nedervelde
Philippe Van Nedervelde
Vik Olliver
Vik Olliver
Chris Ewels - Bucky Earth
Chris Ewels
Antonio Siber - Nanobots
Antonio Siber
Yuriy Svidinenko nanorobot
Yuriy Svidinenko
Charles Ostman
Charles Ostman
Lieber Group
Lieber Group
Dr. Brian Wowk
Brian Wowk
Murray Robertson
Murray Robertson
Robert Steinberg
Robert Steinberg
Anatomy of a Nanoprobe - by Joe Lertola
"Anatomy of a Nanoprobe" by Joe Lertola

Other Galleries to visit:

Nanomedicine Art Gallery by Robert A. Freitas Jr.
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