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Home > Press > Advanced Nano-Enabled Coatings for Vehicles in Corrosive Environments Could Save Department of Defense Billions of Dollars

Ecology Coatings Applies for $2 Million Department of Defense Earmark

Advanced Nano-Enabled Coatings for Vehicles in Corrosive Environments Could Save Department of Defense Billions of Dollars

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI | Posted on May 1st, 2008

Ecology Coatings, Inc. (OTCBB: ECOC), a leader in the discovery and development of ultra-violet curable, cleantechnology advanced materials, today announced that it has applied for a $2 million, fiscal year 2009 Department of Defense (DOD) appropriation to conduct life cycle testing on tactical vehicles at various locations and in varied weather conditions across the U.S.

Tactical vehicles that serve the U.S. Army and Marine Corps have significant problems with corrosion and, according to a recent DOD report, the total annual corrosion cost for the Army's ground vehicles is estimated to be at least $2 billion, and may be as high as $20 billion, throughout all the Armed Forces. The effects of corrosion on DOD vehicles has become more relevant with reduced funding for the purchase of new equipment and more reliance being placed on aging equipment and infrastructure. The corrosion on some vehicles is so extensive that the repair costs equal 65 percent of the average cost of a new vehicle, and some vehicles are being scrapped in as few as five years -- well short of their expected 15-year service life.

"We recently launched our energy efficient, cleantech family of EcoQuik™ coatings and are confident that our nano-enabled EcoQuik Pigmented Coating Formulation, which contains no organic or chemical solvents, will be a successful barrier against corrosion of the Army's vehicle fleets," noted Ecology Coatings Chairman and CEO Richard D. Stromback. "Most conventional coatings, which use chemical solvents or other liquids to enable blending and sprayability, are the primary catalyst for corrosion, flash rusting and film build degradation on metals.

"In addition to preventing corrosion, our EcoQuik Pigmented Coating Formulations, through the integration of nanomaterials, bonds to a wide variety of substrates, which include metal, aluminum, titanium and steel, and bestows high hardness and flexibility along with impact and abrasion resistance," added Stromback.

Ecology Coatings proposes to work with the NAC and TARDEC (the Army Material Command) researchers to conduct life cycle testing for a period of 18 months. The potential vehicles to be included in the pilot include HMMWVs, FMTVs or the Hemmit. Issues such as wear, resistance and the associated cost implications will be addressed. Upon a successful conclusion of the project, the Company expects to have an opportunity to have its proprietary technology applied to future platforms of Army and Marine ground vehicles.


About Ecology Coatings, Inc.
Ecology Coatings is a global leader in the development of nano-enabled, ultra-violet curable, clean technology coatings that are designed to drive efficiencies and clean processes in manufacturing. The company creates proprietary coatings with unique performance attributes by leveraging its platform of integrated nanomaterial technologies. Ecology Coatings collaborates with industry leaders to develop high-value, high-performance coatings for applications in the paper, automotive, general industrial, electronic, and medical sectors of the economy. Ecology Coatings was founded in March 1990 and is headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The company maintains an R&D facility in Akron, Ohio. For additional information call 248.723.2223.

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